Bernie Sanders May Face Legal Action After Illegal Contributions – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders May Face Legal Action After Illegal Contributions

Bernie Sanders may be in trouble for illegal donations.


DC: The Federal Election Commission may take “further legal action” after the Bernie Sanders campaign was caught accepting thousands of illegal donations, the Washington Free Beacon reports. The FEC sent a letter Thursday to the campaign pointing out over 3,000 donations that violated campaign finance law.

The violations included excessive donations and donations from foreigners.  more

11 Comments on Bernie Sanders May Face Legal Action After Illegal Contributions

  1. QUICK! Call Obama! Bill Clinton! Hillary!
    As soon as THEY find out, I’m SURE
    they’ll return the MILLIONS in
    illegal contributions they solicited and received….

  2. It’s not just when Democrats are in office.
    Around 40% of the small donations Soetoro received were from foreign accounts.
    As long a Bernie stays bought he has no worries.

  3. Who will they prosecute? The Shadow Man feeling The Bern as he gives it to The Marxist in the Tailpipe?

    (That picture just HAS to be made large and spread far and wide, for satire and laughter will shoot down The Bern as fast as anything else. Those who take themselves too seriously can’t STAND laughter. Especially when it’s directed at themselves)

  4. If you can’t be a crooked Demonrat, what’s the point?

    If you were honest, trustworthy, loved America, esteemed Liberty, eschewed Evil and Hatred, you wouldn’t be a Demonrat, to start with.

    The Demonrat Party is the party of Perversion, Socialism, and Slavery.

  5. This could be a real resume enhancer for him. Now, if he can just install Anti-American jihadists in power somewhere, get a bunch of shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles stolen and “redistributed” to the needy islamists he’ll be golden. . . get a few Americans killed and he’s teflon coated platinum.

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