Mummified sailor found on abandoned yacht – IOTW Report

Mummified sailor found on abandoned yacht

NYP: The mummified body of a German adventurer has been discovered inside an abandoned yacht.

mummified German sailor

The grisly discovery came after two fishermen off the coast of the Philippines alerted authorities to a drifting vessel.

The body, found slumped near the boat’s radio telephone, has been identified as 59-year-old Manfred Fritz Bajorat.

Inspector Mark Navales said the cause of death was unclear, but there were no signs of foul play.

“It is still a mystery to us,” said Navales, adding it looked like Bajorat “was sleeping.”

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16 Comments on Mummified sailor found on abandoned yacht

  1. A guy down the road from us was so disliked that no one noticed he wasn’t around anymore as he became one with his mattress. Eventually, he was discovered; probably because the property tax was overdue. 😉

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