‘Is a Woman a Human?’ – IOTW Report

‘Is a Woman a Human?’


Social Media Outcry Over Saudi Course ‘Is a Woman a Human?’

In announcing the course’s cancellation, the academy published a clarification saying it would not allow any denigration of Muslim women. However, 

the academy also said the cancellation of the course had nothing to do with the course’s content, which remained under wraps. It also said it was surprised by the intense reaction, saying previous courses that used the same title didn’t garner any reaction.
read more @ ClarionProject

13 Comments on ‘Is a Woman a Human?’

  1. Is a camel human? The Saudis have beauty contests for camels, but not for women. They even say camel urine is healthy. What they don’t tell you is what they do with the camel on Saturday night.

    A woman is the property of her moslem master, to be beaten as needed. To the camels, they are very nice. I’d have to say that camels rate much higher than women in Saudi Arabia.

  2. I can’t even.

    If they’re into science, as the narrative goes lately, they would know the male is an altered form of the female.

    Female is the basis of all humanity.

    “It also said it was surprised by the intense reaction, saying previous courses that used the same title didn’t garner any reaction.”

    People outside your little world are paying attention now. Get out of the 7th century, you jackwads.

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