SD: GOP gov. vetoes transgender bathroom bill – IOTW Report

SD: GOP gov. vetoes transgender bathroom bill

WT: Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard shocked conservatives Tuesday when he vetoed legislation that would have prohibited students in South Dakota public schools from using opposite-sex restrooms, locker rooms and shower facilities.

tranny wall

The decision is a boon for transgender advocates who lobbied the governor to reject the bill, arguing it was discriminatory and would have harmed the emotional well-being of transgender students.

Mr. Daugaard said local school districts are best equipped to make decisions concerning how to accommodate individual transgender students.

“As policymakers in South Dakota, we often recite that the best government is the government closest to the people,” Mr. Daugaard said in a statement – more

20 Comments on SD: GOP gov. vetoes transgender bathroom bill

  1. i’ve lived in SD most my life, and of all the governors, this man is an idiot, backed by idiots. R party was hijacked many years ago by liberals, and remain in power by the bait and switch. Proven to be the most corrupt state government in the nation. Obama could take lessons from them.

  2. I think I have it figured out.
    There IS a secret world government.
    They plan on ‘getting control’ of this Loose Canon called Freedom
    Somewhere there IS a giant Bunker or series of Bunkers.
    This Secret Government is offering spots in these places to various political leaders to escape whatever pandemic or nuke fest they plan on letting loose.
    After extensive profiling they know who will turn.
    I bet a couple of suits show up one day at somebody’s office and make an appointment.
    They congratulate the Governor or whoever on being selected to ‘help’ out their country and then they show him some power point and offer so and so the chance to escape the coming storm.
    “Toe the line and THIS won’t happen to your kids”
    Its either that, or a mind control ray set to “Completely Stupid”.
    I cannot think of anything else that would cause behavior like this in Americans.

  3. the gov should be locked up with all the tranny’s before he hurts himself.

    we used to have insane asylums. we closed them, let the inmates out and they all took to being politicians for some reason.

    I guess that’s one gov who doesn’t mind being solicited by perverts.

    now, I am not saying all professional politicians are perverts but enough are, so that the ones that aren’t don’t matter.

  4. These laws are a great cover for pediofiles. No, I don’t believe all transgenders or gays are child molesters.

    The protection of our children just became harder by allowing ‘foxes into hen houses’.

  5. SD voters will remember this. In addition to his 1/2 cent tax increase.

    90% of SD elected republicans are not conservative. See Senator Mike Rounds’ record and Representative Kristi Noem’s record.

    The fact that my fellow SDers have elected George McGovern and Tom Daschle to multiple terms says a lot.

    Conservatives in this state hope to primary Noem this year. Her balanced budget pledges lasted until the jet was landing in DC in 2010. She campaigned on the Tea Party platform but has been nothing except the establishments rubber stamp.

  6. @Charlie, I received a direct mail and solicitation back in October, can’t remember who it was. Now I see that nobody has filed, so I am wrong about a challenger. I can dream of getting rid of her I guess.

    I am an hour south of you.

  7. So he said that local school districts are best equipped to handle this transgender bathroom thing. It will be interesting to see what happens when a CONSERVATIVE local school district takes him at his word and decides to NOT allow cross bathroom usage. How many howls of outrage? How much political pressure from above?
    Fa’queem all.

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