Judge Nap: ‘Hillary should be terrified’, staffer testimony could shake ‘establishment to the core’ – IOTW Report

Judge Nap: ‘Hillary should be terrified’, staffer testimony could shake ‘establishment to the core’


BPR: Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted to news that the Justice Department granted immunity to a key witness in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

“Hillary should be terrified,” of the fact that a former staff member could testify to a Grand Jury in the investigation said the Fox News senior judicial analyst on “Varney & Co,” Thursday.

Former State Department staffer, Bryan Pagliano, who set up the private email server in Clinton’s New York home in 2009, has been granted immunity because the lawyers in the Justice Department want to call him as a witness to testify against someone in a position higher than his, Napolitano explained.

“Mr. Pagliano is their nightmare,” more

21 Comments on Judge Nap: ‘Hillary should be terrified’, staffer testimony could shake ‘establishment to the core’

  1. I’m sorry ….. I love the Judge & very respectful of his opinion, but I’ve heard this song too many times to believe this time they’ll finally indict the Killary

    …reminds me of the old Rocky & Bullwinkle skit …. “this time for sure!”

  2. I bet he hangs himself with a belt he doesn’t own.
    Or falls face first into a toilet and drowns.
    Or suffering from a heart attack at 30 the ‘Paramedic’ accidentally crushes his chest with foot powered CPR
    Or a stray bullet from ‘nearby revelers’ comes down the chimney makes three right turns and two ricochets and hits him when he was ‘playing Houdini’ with some handcuffs that he found when playing hide and seek in an old sea chest he managed to lock from the outside

  3. Nope, nothing to see here. The Democrat Party has a long history of corruption, hypocrisy and cover-ups, and anything involving Hillary Clinton will be swept under the rug and/or ignored by the MSM. Can you imagine a party attracting an overwhelming majority of black voters while they had a former KKK official in the Senate? How many people realize that it was the Republican Party who championed civil rights in the 60s? How many people remember that Ted Kennedy, serial sex abuser, was on the committee investigating Clarence Thomas or that Robert Packwood, a Senator who groped women, was given a free pass? Bill Clinton probably should have been criminally charged for his extra marital sexcapades. And exactly how do these government people become multi-millionaires on government salaries?

    To paraphrase a Geico commercial, “when you are a Democrat, you are corrupt and a hypocrite – that’s what you do.” Nixon was hounded out of office for engaging in a cover-up; HRC may actually be elected to office due to a cover-up.

  4. You guys are wrong in so many ways….her thighness and the lad will clear everything up next week when they meet at the cannon in Ft. Marcy Park. [sarcasm intended]

  5. After this OJ knife bombshell, The FBI needs to get a back-hoe in the backyard at Chappaqua. Go ahead and splurge on the crime scene tape, Comey. We’re paying for it.

  6. The so-called “rule of law” is for the Hoi Polloi, not for your betters. Hillary skates scot-free on this mortal coil.

    There is nothing to be done about it: “Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the LORD.”

    Enjoy your slavery everyone.

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