Jersey Fat Guy Squashes Rumors He’s Being Held Hostage in Donald Trump’s Basement – IOTW Report

Jersey Fat Guy Squashes Rumors He’s Being Held Hostage in Donald Trump’s Basement

chris christie steakums

After it appeared like he was being told to get his ass back on the plane after introducing Donald Trump at a campaign event, this may be the moment Chris Christie’s political career strapped on cement shoes and drowned itself in the river:  MORE @ Diogenes’ Middle Finger.

5 Comments on Jersey Fat Guy Squashes Rumors He’s Being Held Hostage in Donald Trump’s Basement

  1. How can those Steakums on that picture have no carbs when they’re on a great big hoagie bun. As a disclaimer I actually bought and ate Steakums once, turned out to be pretty much mystery meat and I never bought them again. If I want mystery meat I’ll stick with the tried and true SPAM. And I’d be a fat ass too if I ate that crap.

  2. More bullshit. Christie has been campaigning with Trump after the supposed “go back to Jersey” lip reading incident made up by Cruzers. DESPERADO
    Trump winning more states today. SCREW the GOP. Get on board the Trump train or start LOVING HILLARY.

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