Marco Rubio Wins Puerto Rico – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Wins Puerto Rico

With over 40% of the vote in Puerto Rico, Marco Rubio has a tremendous lead over all other candidates and will win the US territory. At the time of writing, Mr. Rubio has 74% of the vote and will almost certainly win all of Puerto Rico’s 23 delegates.

Donald Trump holds 13% of the vote, Ted Cruz has 9%, and John Kasich trails “All Others” with only 1% of the vote. “All Others” have 3% of the vote.

20 Comments on Marco Rubio Wins Puerto Rico

  1. Sure if they can’t get Sanders they’ll take Rubio. The most political actioned broke bunch in the nation needs to find a bailer. If you’re broke and you could land yourself an establishment guy or a socialist that will ‘fix it’ for you why not try?

  2. @ Plain Jane.
    Ah, yes, of course. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that. (Having been there, I can say they are about as successful with that as everything else they do.)

  3. One of the stories that were floating around today that made me snicker when I saw the results.

    “Puerto Rico Victory For Trump, Will Erase Cruz 15 Delegate Gain From Last Night (Vanity)”

    Oh well, there is always Tuesday…..

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