Sanders Says White People Can’t Ever Understand What It Means To Be POOR!! – IOTW Report

Sanders Says White People Can’t Ever Understand What It Means To Be POOR!!

epa04724785 A file picture dated 28 April 2012 shows US Senator Bernie Sanders discussing the need for Wall Street reform debate outside U.S. Capitol building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. USA. Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders announced on 28 April 2015 that he will run for president in the 2016 US presidential elections challenging Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination. EPA/ASTRID RIECKEN

I don’t know what kind of meth they cook up in Vermont, but it’s gotta be pretty damn good for Bernie to actually believe that whites don’t experience poverty. – More at SooperMexican

28 Comments on Sanders Says White People Can’t Ever Understand What It Means To Be POOR!!

  1. “I’ve been poor
    and I’ve been destitute.
    Believe me …
    Poor is better.”

    (dead white dude spoken during the Great American Depression – not the Obola one, the earlier Demonrat one)

  2. Stupid assholes.
    My old man was a migrant fruit picker in the South
    On my birth certificate his occupation: Labor
    I know how to make Top Ramen in three household appliances other than the stove.
    I have lived in my van, and I have dumpster dived for food to eat.
    But I scratched my way to starting a (teeny tiny) business
    My sainted Mother grew up as one of thirteen children in a coal miner’s household and the first garment she owned that was brand new and belonged to her alone was a dress she bought from her first job as an adult.
    I piss on Bernie Sanders from a considerable height

  3. Yeah, there are no poor white people, until somebody complains about too many blacks on welfare. Suddenly, the progs are able to find millions of poor whites on welfare.

  4. does bern realize some of the first slaves brought to amerca were the irish?

    remember the signs, “help wanted, irish need not apply”.

    there are more poor whites than blacks in this country right now.

  5. Hitlery had a very difficult time with her voice last night. She was hoarse and struggling to keep it suppressed. At the end she went into another coughing fit.

    They are working hard to get her through those public appearances. I hope she has a stroke or heart attack or brain annurism in public soon. Imagine how much prescription medication is being pumped into her and Syphilis Ghonorea Bill…. $ 50,000 a month at least, just to keep them clawing for more white privilege….

  6. I was sick this weekend and after running to the toilet for what seemed the 50th time in and hour, I FINALLY understood Sanders’ slogan; “Feel the Bern!”

  7. What a moroon.

    Like Lazlo, I’ve had no food to eat, no food for my dog, living in my van. I’ve been evicted, had the power turned off, my car towed. I’ll tell you it’s one hell of a motivator. After I scratched together some dough to start a small business, I lived in the basement of my studio for many years to save money.

    You sure don’t want to be there again if it’s within your power to avoid it. It’s a good lesson for anyone.

    More white privilege I guess.

  8. Oh, really? If we can agree on the definition of being poor meaning that you can’t afford life’s basic necessities, them go ahead and mark me down in the poor column, you ignorant, insufferable, pontificating dickwad.

    Right now I need a bunch of things I can’t afford–a haircut, various items of clothing to replace worn-out precursors, and some other stuff. There is simply no money left after food, housing, and medical. The base problem is that 30% of my paycheck is seized by various government entities before I even see it. Yesterday I spent $232 in a combination of weekly grocery shopping, prescription drug co-pays, coin-op laundry, and dry cleaning. Today, it’ll be a $20 co-pay at the doctor–and I’m going to have to walk there and back because I have 57 cents to last me until Wednesday, when I can experience the temporary relief of getting paid. First thing I’m doing then is going to Staples and buying some office supplies for work, because the Demonrat geniuses who run New York State have failed to fund the court system to the point where it can provide things like rubber bands and paper clips to employees in sufficient quantity.

    What I REALLY don’t understand is the experience of being poor in 2016 urban America. Welfare recipients don’t have my petty concerns–they’re free to watch daytime TV, smoke weed, and hang out all day. These people are hardly starving, fat as they seem to be. They go to the emergency room for a fucking Band-Aid–which I have to fund via Medicaid. And, you know, Whitey be out to get them.

    Yesterday I crunched the numbers for his tax plan. I’s be getting $111 less per biweekly paycheck. Then I’ll be homeless!

  9. White folks are too busy working to ‘understand’ being poor.

    @Bill: The Monmouth Assizes…read ‘Captain Blood’ by Rafael Sabatini (I think the film glosses over the Assizes, but it is crucial to the story)…might even be a free kindle book.

  10. That is one of the most racist comments I have heard in a long time.
    They used to say “A white man may be broke, but he can find a way out of the situation. A black man is poor because he lacks the ability and motivation to alleviate his state.”
    Once the party of the KKK, always the party of the KKK.

  11. My cracker ass knows what it’s like to be hassled walking down the street. It has happened on multiple occasions, every single time it was an unprovoked attack on me by a black person. Amazing how that works.

  12. As I have stated, the “white privilege” meme has been contrived to replace the name calling and demonizing of white America as “racists” because they realize they have worn out its effectiveness. White people have grown tired of it and are increasingly becoming dismissive of it. Young people that grew up in a very integrated society, many of them adopting black culture, dress, music, and language find this labeling of racist as foreign and illogical in a very sincere way.

    This new meme convicts white Americans of being “privileged” , and therefore defacto benefactors and winners, regardless of their suffocated circumstances and station in life. The mere fact that a white person is born assigns great wealth and luxury to them regardless of the actual reality of their world.

    Of course the solution the leftist scumbags come up with is to further suffocate, demonize, and punish white America by seizing what few remaining — if any– spare penny’s they have left after already feeding the endless welfare state.

    They never proffer seizing THEIR wealth, the Clinton’s billions, the sickeningly excessive wealth accumulated by the Hollywood left and media elite criminal rich. They never offer to SURRENDER any portion of the massively excessive wealth they have stolen, horde, and secret away in order to fund their sinfully excessive and “privileged” lifestyles. Think of that ugly, insidious whore Chelsea the multi multi multi millionaire whore that calls me names ????? Fuck you whore.

    I know Rush Limbo and lots of others read this site, maybe they will steal this thread and start making the case to the dopes in white America to wake the fuck up.

  13. I’d like to take that commie faggot down to Mississippi where some of my family picked cotton. Of course he would have to ride in the back of the truck, and my dog would piss on him thinking he was a urine-stained tree stump with fungus growing on it.

    They might have been poor, but they didn’t need the government to replace their pride with dependance and lies. Fuck off Bernie.

  14. This will come as a big surprise to the 25 million white people living below the poverty line and the other 25 million just over it. But I guess trips to Appalachia aren’t in the itinerary of a typical sheltered, east coast, pseudo-Jew asshole like Sanders.

    Jesus Christ. No wonder Trump cleans up on the poor white demographic. The democrats don’t even acknowledge they exist.

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