Bill Clinton neglect left NSA ‘brain dead’ as al Qaeda plotted 9/11 attacks – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton neglect left NSA ‘brain dead’ as al Qaeda plotted 9/11 attacks

WashingtonTimes: President Clinton left the National Security Agency, the nation’s electronic eavesdropper, in shambles at the very moment al Qaeda was in the final planning stages of carrying out the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.

bill clinton face

Retired Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the NSA director at the time, describes the decline in a memoir, writing an insider’s view of an agency that the government at one time refused to acknowledge even existed.

One day in January 2000, the NSA’s clunky, aging computer network became so overburdened that it crashed. The NSA, he says, was “brain dead.”

The “coma” crisis lasted for several days as new computer hardware was flown into Fort Meade, Maryland, and techies shut down every node in order to reboot the nation’s largest spy machine.

But it was a symptom of something far more serious at the NSA, and for the country.


7 Comments on Bill Clinton neglect left NSA ‘brain dead’ as al Qaeda plotted 9/11 attacks

  1. Time to rethink Hillary’s server. She was worried State Department system would crash so she set up her own.
    When will she point to this article and say See? I did us all a favor.

  2. The NSA spies on Americans, not jihadis.

    Woulda, shoulda, coulda … if ONLY we had more MONEY!

    What a crock of BULLSHIT!

    Not even the Preznit knows their budget, or how many people they’ve murdered in any given year, or whether their operations are successful or failures.

    Their mandate is to maintain the status quo,
    nothing more, nothing less.

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