3 problems Trump must fix to beat Hillary – IOTW Report

3 problems Trump must fix to beat Hillary

NYPost: At the end of “The Candidate,” the  engrossing 1972 film about the underbelly of campaigns, rookie  politician Robert Redford is  shocked by his triumph. Grabbing his handler, he pleads, “What do we do now?”

In a case of life imitating art, Donald Trump finds himself in a similar situation. His improbable run is rocking and shocking the world, but after each victory, the climb only gets steeper.

The home stretch of the nomination race is going to be ferocious, and if he survives, he faces a general-election war against Hillary Clinton that would be unlike any in modern times.

Is Trump built to go the distance? Can the author of “The Art of the Deal” close the deal of a lifetime?  MORE

20 Comments on 3 problems Trump must fix to beat Hillary

  1. I have been turning off the radio and TV for eight years now, every time I get wind of Obama’s voice. I can do it for eight years of Hillary if I have to. But please, Donald, or Ted, make it go away. For the love of all that is good, drive a stake through its heart.

  2. There is a reason the MSM is holding it’s guns until after the nomination. They have a lot to hit Trump with, but little to hammer Ted or Mario with.
    Trumps strong ties to China (yes, I know, he rails against them the same way Hillary rails against Wall Street) are going to be a big part of it.
    Some has been leaking out, his designer clothes etc.. are made in china, and more keeps trickling in
    but the flood will happen after the nomination.

  3. Dan, Don’t you find it strange that Trump is sliding in the polls?
    He is down to running even or below Hillary even though he should be rising as he heads to the nomination.

  4. My wife, who is a Chinese-born, naturalized American citizen, had lunch last week with a friend, who is American of Laotian descent. Her friend asked who my wife voted for, and my wife said Trump. This shocked the shit out of her friend. My wife asked her friend who she voted for, and she said Hillary. My wife said why, she’s just a criminal. Her friend’s spirited defense of Hillary was, ” Yeah, I know.”

    We have a tough battle ahead, people.

  5. Trump needs to Adultify himself.
    I know you don’t get to where he is without brains.
    However, I think Trump and Cruz should do a Romney-Holderfield boxing match and Trump should let Cruz lambaste him a few times.
    They call it a ‘Draw’ bury the damn hatchet, and they team up to finally (to quote the most excellent quote) ” For the love of all that is good, drive a stake through its heart”
    And IT means Hillary’s fever dreams of power and revenge

  6. The Tin Ear says, “his designer clothes are made in China…”

    Oh noes, that settles it.

    Dude, step back and see how silly that is. Is a Trump supporter going to say that’s the last straw? Is it going to sway one rational person?

    With millions of illegals pouring into this country, moslims getting legally imported to seed small conservative towns across the country and trillions in trade imbalances, you think where his fucking clothes are made matters?????


  7. I don’t buy the current polling. Voter turnout points to a yuuuge GOP victory in November, although I think that will be contingent on a fair nomination process. Minorities are crossing over in large numbers. Heck, in a CAIR poll Trump got 11% across all parties.

  8. Polls are rigged, simply by bias for the sampling group. You want a Liberal win, do the polling on campuses…you want a Trump win, pick the neighborhoods, the malls, the above teen aged years for voters..

  9. Trump making clothes in China is just a reflection of how the NWO divvied up the roles of the nations of the world back in the 70s, perhaps earlier. China is great with manufacturing silks. It has been for centuries. However, the U.S. hasn’t been manufacturing, in any significant quantity, clothing and the fabrics since then either. Steel, the same. Housewares and furniture, the same. It’s tough to find U.S. made since the globalists took over our future.

    Trump, whether the Pope wants to admit or not, falls more in line with the Principle of Subsidiarity (local production, purchase, and community self sufficiency and helping the needy) than any other politician. We might call it nationalism, but it’s much more.

  10. @Thirdtwin re your anecdote about your wife’s Hillary supporter friend – that is downright scary. I would really love it if your wife had asked her, after she said “Yeah, I know,” how she could vote for the cow then. If she knows that Hillary is a criminal but is willing to vote for her anyway, how do we fight that kind of mindset?

  11. Let us not ignore the Democrat voter base currently pouring over the southern border. Along with the millions of deceased and repeat voters at their disposal, it just might be a moot point come election day. Unless we get out and vote in force to offset it. Another reason to nominate and then elect Build That Wall Trump!

  12. Just look at those pictures! Trump does not look good in orange, his face is orange, he needs a better make-up artist. Compared to him Hillary almost looks like a human being.

  13. Trump had shirts made in China.
    Hillary’s husband sold missile secrets to the Chinese, giving them the ability to launch nuclear armed missiles with great precision

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