Sanders: ‘What You’re Really Talking About Is Ending Gun Manufacturing in America. I Don’t Agree With That’ – IOTW Report

Sanders: ‘What You’re Really Talking About Is Ending Gun Manufacturing in America. I Don’t Agree With That’

( – In a heated moment at Sunday’s Democrat debate in Flint, Michigan, Sen. Bernie Sanders differed with Hillary Clinton on the issue of liability for gun manufacturers.

bernie points at hillary debate

“What you’re really talking about is ending gun manufacturing in America. I don’t agree with that,” Sanders told Clinton.

In 2005, Congress passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which gives gun manufacturers broad immunity from lawsuits intended to drive them out of business. Sanders voted for the bill. Clinton voted against it and is now calling for its repeal.  MORE


16 Comments on Sanders: ‘What You’re Really Talking About Is Ending Gun Manufacturing in America. I Don’t Agree With That’

  1. How America has fallen! Even a dyed-in-the- wool communist like Bernie puts forth a stronger defense of the 2nd Amendment than Hitlery. And she keeps claiming the gun manufacturers have “absolute” immunity which is just another lie. If they design a defective or unsafe firearm (say one that fires if it is dropped) they can be sued. Of course Hitlery also claims that a common AR-15 is an automatic weapon, so no lie is too big for her.

  2. Bingo, Moetom. Nobody should get the least bit excited. Both of these statists are utterly OK with infringing on individuals’ right to self-defense with weapons, a/k/a 2A-RKBA. They may differ in small ways, but they’re VERY small.

  3. @Bubba’s Brother:

    …Hitlery also claims that a common AR-15 is an automatic weapon, so no lie is too big for her.

    Ain’t that the truth! (-:

    H-Rod pretty much continuously says things that aren’t true, and I’m sure many/most are lies. But at least some of the untrue things she says are the blather that comes from simple ignorance and stupidity, not to mention pure bullshit. But that’s sort of an academic issue: bottom line is doubt every word she says, including “the” and “is”.

  4. Hillary “I love abortions, but hate AR-15’s” Clinton,

    Go ahead and end gun manufacturing in America.

    Go ahead and abolish the 2nd Amendment.

    I’ll just get my guns from Mexico, and they’ll be TRUE assault rifles.

  5. IOW, They’re both fascists. Neither wants to do away with private gun manufacturers, because one sees the industry as a fat tax cow to be milked, and the other sees it as deep pockets to be pilfered by lawyers. Let’s hope the industry doesn’t crony up under pressure from either one of these fascists.

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