Hillary says she speaks to God daily, but won’t reveal her fee – IOTW Report

Hillary says she speaks to God daily, but won’t reveal her fee

IBD: Yes, yes, it feels like the country’s been in a mess. So, every week we publish a collection of some late-night jokes for fun. Imagine that in a presidential election cycle!

cow sticking out tongue

Meyers: An Ohio farm has “NO TRUMP” written so large in cow manure that it can be seen by planes overhead. The crazy part is no one asked the cow to do that.

Conan: Five months until the Rio Olympics. Brazilian organizers are having some trouble selling tickets though. Their promotional offer: “Your Second Bout of Zika Is Free.”

Fallon: To better represent modern families, Lego has created a stay-at-home dad figure. The only problem is, once you snap it into the Lego couch, it won’t come off.

Conan: A Saudi Arabia official says a Trump presidency would “set the world back centuries.” The Saudi added, “Which is why Trump has our full support.”

Meyers: During his recent victory speech, Donald Trump said he is a “unifier.” Then he turned to Chris Christie and said, “Right, idiot?”

Conan: Bernie Sanders says, “I am so proud to bring Vermont values all across this country.” Then Sanders said, “Now, who wants to go antiquing?”  MORE

6 Comments on Hillary says she speaks to God daily, but won’t reveal her fee

  1. Hillary speaks to God? That’s bullsh!t.

    God put her on hold in 1980, when she prayed that Webb Hubbell was not really Chelsea’s father. The call was later transferred south to Eleanor Roosevelt.

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