Hillary’s Federal Education Jackboot Squad – IOTW Report

Hillary’s Federal Education Jackboot Squad

Money Flows Down Toilet

Townhall: Brace yourselves, parents: Hillary Clinton’s Fed Ed jackboot squad is from the government and is here to “help.”

Clinton wants a cadre of new government educrats to undo the decades-old damage of old government educrats in America’s worst public schools. She pitched her creepy proposal at the Democratic presidential debate in Michigan on Sunday for an “education SWAT team” to swarm down and rescue students from failing districts in decrepit cities such as Detroit (run by whom? Oh, yeah. Democrats!). more

5 Comments on Hillary’s Federal Education Jackboot Squad

  1. This brings up one of Mencken’s most well-known quotations:

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    But Mencken got it wrong. Perhaps the first hobgoblin was imaginary, but each one of those kicked off a series of very real hobgoblins that were the direct result of the govt “programs” put in place to “solve” the first instance. I put “solve” in scare quotes because the aim of any govt program is not to solve a problem but to perpetuate it, otherwise the bureaucrats would solve themselves out of a cushy job.

  2. “If every problem is a nail, then every solution is a hammer.”

    Isn’t it kind of funny that the socialists, who ALWAYS insist on characterizing their enemies as “Nazis” (National SOCIALISTs) and “Fascists” (Italian SOCIALISTs) only have ONE solution to every perceived problem?

    Money to mobilize Jack-Booted thugs to impose the will of the Party on the people.

  3. Humans have been doing education for a very long time but never seem to get it right, especially in the modern era! The so called educators always say the system/teachers never have enough money, union power, or time off the job in order for it to work properly!

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