GOPers May Be ‘Vulgar,’ But None of Them May Face Indictment – IOTW Report

GOPers May Be ‘Vulgar,’ But None of Them May Face Indictment

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Mediaite: Megyn Kelly confronted DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for ripping the “vulgar” tone of the GOP race, pointing out that none of the Republican candidates are “facing the threat of indictment.”

Wasserman Schultz insisted that’s not the case on their side either, but Kelly brought up how there’s an investigation into Hillary Clinton going on right now. Wasserman Schultz said, “Let’s not be melodramatic.”

Kelly retorted, “Those are the facts.”  MORE

19 Comments on GOPers May Be ‘Vulgar,’ But None of Them May Face Indictment

  1. “At the end of the day, when the American people have had their say”, the defecRats will award the nomination to that disingenuous, lying, rotten bitch known as the criminal business partner of Bill Clinton regardless of voting results!!

  2. I heard this from one of the talking heads on the Tee Vee last night. Voter turnout in the Miss Democrat primary was light. 2/3 of those voters were black. So Clinton won a landslide in Miss with almost exclusively black votes. She and her party have so alienated whites that she can only win primaries in states with large black populations. But somehow Trump and Cruz are “un-electable”?

  3. The GOP debates have been vulgar, vague, nasty, name calling, macho, shallow, rough, with unsportsmanlike language and conduct. Horrid.

    Remember that Bush/Reagan debate posted here the other day?

    WTH is happening today?

  4. Ahem…..
    Trump is currently facing indictment by the NY attorney general.
    Contrary to what some are bloviating, the case started before he became a candidate, so it has nothing to do with the presidential race.
    This has been in the news several times, and has been brought up on this site numerous times.
    Hard to see how it could have been missed.

  5. Democrats won 5 out of the past 6 presidential elections?

    Really? Obama, Obama, Bush, Bush, Clinton, Clinton.

    That’s 4 out of 6.

    Or per president: Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter

    That’s 3 out of 6.

    Smoke another one, Debbie.

  6. Deborah you ignorant slut.
    When the Queen Bug is tried it will be called ‘a civil legal review’
    When she’s convicted it will be called ‘temporary assessment’
    When she’s moved to a correctional facility it will be called a ‘health retreat’
    When she’s Big Rhonda’s third string bitch-for-sale it will be called a ‘strategic alliance’
    When Bill has a non fatal heart attack on top of ‘Cathy Cushions’ and the video goes viral it will be called the ‘best Presidential footage Evah’
    When Hilary finds out it will be called ‘the day Cankles gnawed through eight inches of solid concrete to go commit capital murder of an elected official’

  7. Here’s how I see it. Hildebeast gets the majority of the delegates so the Dems can nominate Biden after the Hildebeast drops out for health reasons at the convention.

    They won’t have a choice when the polls against Trump are upside down and the FBI/grand jury are ready to indict.

  8. Does she realize that “vulgar” just refers to “ordinary people?”

    As an ordinary person, I don’t consider it an insult.

    Fuck you, Debbie … Eat Shit and Die!

    Vulgar enough for you?

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