Cincinnati Trump rally cancelled after clashes in Chicago – IOTW Report

Cincinnati Trump rally cancelled after clashes in Chicago

Republican frontrunner praises his supporters and blames ‘these other people’ for demonst(r)ations erupting into chaos and violence at previous events.

The Guardian: Donald Trump has cancelled a planned rally in Cincinnati, a day after a postponed Chicago rally descended into chaotic clashes between supporters and anti-Trump protesters.

The rally in Cincinnati was due to take place on Sunday afternoon, two days ahead of Tuesday’s Ohio primary, in which the Republican frontrunner will seek to knock Ohio governor John Kasich from the presidential race.


13 Comments on Cincinnati Trump rally cancelled after clashes in Chicago

  1. Trump tosses another win to the left.
    He is intentionally appearing weak in order to provoke them.
    This is good insight into how he will deal with the left if he is president. He is using them to gain votes, just as the Democrats have for over 50 years.
    He showed us the carrot, now he is showing us the stick.

  2. John:
    That’s nonsense. Read the article. It’s all Trump’s fault (according to the press) that people are “protesting”. If he shows up to the rally, and there is a full-blown riot (with injury and death), it will all be Trump’s fault (according to the press). He had little choice. If your boy Ted was the front runner, you can bet the BLM crowd would be following him around too.

  3. Trump doesn’t have any policy strategies so he does this crap on purpose to take away from his record of being a liberal, take the focus off his campaign manager roughing up Michelle Fields and dominate the news cycle 24/7 and the MSM and Trump supporters are playing right along.

  4. this has already been disproven … even fox this morning said that this was an ‘instant urban legend’

    …..there never was a Cincinnati rally scheduled

  5. Tony; you really don’t know who funds these groups? Alternately, if you don’t believe Soros is funding them, who do you think is?
    Actually Soros is very open and public about the money he gives these groups and the fact that they work for him. 5 minutes on the web will yield information about it from every right leaning site on the internet.
    As to the Soros/Trump friendship, those same right leaning sites have covered it extensively over the years. Don’t forget, until recent times Trump was a big wheel in Democrat circles and helped get most of the prominent ones elected.

  6. Mr. Trump turns everything to his advantage.

    Chicago rally aborted and Mr. Trump gets hours of air time reaching many times more than the original 25,000 while Cruz, Kasich, and L’il Marco make fools of themselves in 10 minute segments.

    AND the Soros Combine has galvanized support for Mr. Trump!

    Mr. Trump couldn’t have bought ads that effective …

  7. The Soros Combine is making the case:

    No Freedom of Speech vs Freedom of Speech
    No Freedom of Assembly vs Freedom of Assembly
    Loud mouthed thugs screaming invective vs Legal political speech

    I think Americans are getting fed up with socialism’s shenanigans and we’re starting to realize that nothing will ever satisfy their animalistic lusts and greed.

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