Cartoon predicted our future – IOTW Report

Cartoon predicted our future

This cartoon predicts the future more than 60 years ago. You won’t see anything like this taught in schools today.

The State

If you like political cartoons with insight, this is one of the best ever made. If you worry this country is losing freedoms by the day, you are not alone.

h/t Lee

7 Comments on Cartoon predicted our future

  1. Banned as propaganda by the Department of Education, no doubt.
    I’ve seen it before It will not be seen on TV by children even though it certainly should.. The Watters World numbskulls should see it. But they are too smart to watch a stupid cartoon.

  2. I too have seen this before which is one of the reasons I recognized the Øbamboozler for what he is a long time ago and his painful, seven year trip down the corrupt back alley of “fundamental transformation” with his ginned-up, dumbed-down, Politically Correct, hashtag opportunistic, disingenuous, hypocritical, divisive tactics to mutate the nation with his new Communism (same as the old Communism) of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, autocratic regulation. Along with enough deceit and disinformation to choke an ox, his cabal of first-class, Leftist Anal Warts are busy shoving Global Warming, Common Core and every kind of pervert down our throats in order to sell us their insane pretzel-logic of a Marxist “Utopia” while gladly telling us everything they think we need to know firmly rooted in the belief is that none of us on our own is as dumb as all of us combined!
    Boy is there a big surprise coming down the pike for these Pikers!

  3. Marxism/communism was stirring then and gave birth to Bill Ayers bombers and the Black Panthers. These same haters – and many of the same people – support Bernie and the BLM today. Just look at Chicago on Friday.

  4. Yep, it’s that time again: Recreate ’68. The Left stages all this crap so that when the little darlings come of age, they too can enter gubmint “service” and lord their leftist ways over us. Notice, Billy Ayers was at the Chicongo rally.

  5. My 6th Grade teacher Mr. Peterson played some transcripts from an old radio series The Cavalcade Of America (an American history radio drama telling stories about America and it’s
    heroes, great stuff) which aired on NBC back in the late 50’s for us during the school year of 1964-65. I still remember that and even occasionally hear that program on XM’s old time radio station channel 82. I can’t imagine a teacher doing that nowadays. Thank you Pete, you done good.

  6. Read the YouTube comments on the video!

    This allegorical tale is totally and completely lost on people produced by the public education system since about 1980.

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