Who Wore It Better? – IOTW Report

Who Wore It Better?

captain kangaroo hillary clinton

Sunny Lohmann

h/t Some Git.

20 Comments on Who Wore It Better?

  1. Maybe shrillary is channeling her inner Captain Kangaroo from her childhood. And you should be playing the song Flowers On The Wall in the background when showing this picture and we could all smoke cigarettes and watch Captain Kangaroo with nothing to do. You know you’re getting old when you can’t remember who sang that song, it’s on the tip of my tongue. Dang, I loved that song.

  2. At least the Captain didn’t have cankles, a forked tongue, could not speak Parseltongue, and his fangs were nonexistent. The SNAKE Hitllery on the other hand has all of the above, plus a deadly bite…ask Vincent Foster…oh wait, no, he’s dead….

  3. Who dresses this snake?

    I was told she is trying to get the ignorant youth vote, yet she is wearing the most untrendy threads ever imagined. I guess she must be going for the bull dyke vote.

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