Trump: ‘Never’ Said McCain Wasn’t a Hero – IOTW Report

Trump: ‘Never’ Said McCain Wasn’t a Hero

TWS: During a rally in Ohio on Sunday, a man asked Donald Trump about his comments about Senator John McCain’s time as a POW.

In July, Trump said, “He’s not a war hero … He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

During the rally on Sunday, a man said to Trump, “I come here because you made a comment to John McCain that you don’t think that captured soldiers are heroes—”

Trump interjected, “oh no no no I was, I never did that—”  more

9 Comments on Trump: ‘Never’ Said McCain Wasn’t a Hero

  1. This was one of the first things Trump said during the campaign that made me think uh-oh.
    What the hell is he doing?

    You can’t prosper making a statement like that.
    Of course he has said many, many more batshit things and now I just roll my eyes.

  2. You know, I wish he didn’t backtrack on that. He spoke in the heat of the discussion and maybe he was right or wrong the first time. I don’t know. I do know that he is now more careful with his words.

    To me a hero is the guy/woman who goes to extreme measures for a good. Someone who is captured, while taking extreme measures to try to do a good, is a hero.

    What was McCain doing when he got captured?

    Do all recovered POWs get a chest full of medals for heroism?

    Not rhetorical questions. I’d like to know, because there are a lot of military from Nam era who detest McCain.

  3. Yes Trump said that McCain was not a hero. “He was a hero because he was captured.” If he wasn’t captured then he would be just another (great) pilot who survived the war.
    The Weekly Standard brought this up again, it being one of these No Trump Mags. So let’s ask another question:
    Did hot shot Aviator McCain “wet start” his jet on the deck of the USS Forrestal causing an explosion and causing the death of 134 sailors.? Was McCain then whisked off the Forrestal before the
    investigation was completed? Just askin.’

  4. McLame does play up his tiger cage incident a little too much.

    I’m all for those that gave and served, so McLame is in fact a hero.

    But to go around using that as a reason people should like you is pretty absurd.

    Because he’s pretty much useless otherwise.

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