Our Revolutionaries Aren’t Murderers – IOTW Report

Our Revolutionaries Aren’t Murderers

Michelle’s Mirror: Funny, we were just talking about Professor Ayers the other day and up he pops on Twitter with this:


First things first: is it any wonder the public education system has produced such a crop of highly educated morons? The former head of the Education Department at the University of Illinois doesn’t know the difference between “altar” and “alter?”


13 Comments on Our Revolutionaries Aren’t Murderers

  1. And Cruz, Rubio and Kasich condemn Trump for Chicago, instead of blaming the well organized leftists like Ayers and Soros for sponsoring and organizing the protest. And Soros is funding Kasich. LET THAT SINK IN.. SOROS is FUNDING KASICH. And yet, knowing ALL THAT, the establishment and so called conservative pundits are pushing for Cruz and Kasich.

  2. Hey Bill, you stupid ass, where are the little dolls to represent David Gilbert and his convict fellow murderer wife, Kathy Boudin, and their spawn Chesa. After all, they are YOUR revolutionaries.

    At least David will die in prison, as he should, but SHE is out and a professor at Columbia.

    I think we all need to bring her back into the spotlight, and revisit her crime for the public, for “nostalgia” sake.

    I’m sure Bill will agree. After all, she is what he and his ilk consider “decent” human beings.

    I won’t even get into F***ing Bernadette Dohrn.

  3. Our revolutionaries wrote the First Amendment. Their revolutionaries trample it…

    “2:15-3:45 p.m.
    IV. Intellectuals in Times of Crisis

    Experiences and applications of intellectual work in urgent situations.

    William Ayers, UIC, College of Education; author of Fugitive Days
    Douglass Cassel, Northwestern University, Center for International Human Rights
    Cathy Cohen, University of Chicago, Political Science
    Salim Muwakkil, Chicago Tribune; In These Times
    Barack Obama, Illinois State Senator
    Barbara Ransby, UIC, African-American Studies (moderator)”


  4. yea, whatta loser … commit terroristic atrocities against the land that nurtured and raised you, protected you from aggression, and provided you with, not only an education, but a living – allowing you, not only to live, but to prosper, and to spread your filthy, vile, hate-filled ideology all across the land, and, particularly in establishments of “higher learning?”

    WTF is wrong with America?

    This clown should have been executed 40 years ago.

    Why do we reward Treason and punish Patriotism?

  5. Look at it this way: Back in the early twentieth century, Vladimir Lennin said that the capitalists would give the revolutionaries (i.e. him) the rope to hang them with. Well here in the twenty-first century, the revolutionaries are giving us the evidence to convict and ridicule them.

    Seriously, Twitter is the gift that keeps on giving. Hopefully it will allow us to completely destroy the Klintons before it self-destructs.

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