“ALLAH told him to” – IOTW Report

“ALLAH told him to”

Canadian Muslim Stabs Two at Military Centre, “ALLAH told him to”: Police Chief Frets About ISLAMOFAUXBIA.

muslim attacks in canada

Pamela Geller:

“I want to be very, very careful, when it comes to the national security piece, that we don’t through that Islamophobia nonsense,” Police Chief Mark Saunders said. “I don’t want this categorizing of a large group of people. That would be very unfair and very inaccurate.”

Yesterday, when I was first to post this, this same chief said that the suspect uttered “certain comments” that were of concern, but declined to say what they were. The blood of the victims was still fresh, and the police chief is scrubbing and whitewashing the murderous motive.

These clueless clowns worry me more than the jihadis.

Every day there is jihad slaughter. And in the wake of every Islamic attack the response is always the same, “fear of reprisals” — which never happen.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2016/03/canadian-muslim-allah-jihad-islamophobia.html/#sthash.kbHsIkCB.dpuf


11 Comments on “ALLAH told him to”

  1. “I don’t want this categorizing of a large group of people. That would be very unfair and very inaccurate.”

    Right on, Chief. You certainly wouldn’t want to categorize a large group of people as islamophobes. That would be unfair and very inaccurate.

  2. Look at the picture. Is that supposed to be a human of some sort? Manbearpig has more human characteristics and he is an animation! It is ironic and may seem counter-intuitive but after so many generations of inbreeding and Satanic indoctrination all humanity is diluted out of the gene pool and you are just shitting out some kind of semi conscious, rage-filled sand lizard/Wooly Willy hybrid monstrosity that boosts self esteem in the human centipede and higher functioning bacteria .

  3. Yank that sand chigger’s beard out, hair by hair. Then perform a testicle cauterization. THEN throw “him” out into the street. He will no longer be considered a “man” by any culture’s standard. If “he” continues to cause problems, then cut out “his” tongue and cut off “his” hands.
    Sounds like something out of Princess Bride, “To The Pain”.

  4. Meanwhile muzlims say NOTHING cuz they got Assholes like this to excuse them while they go about accomplishing their goals one dead infidel at a time!

    Still waiting for the muzlim demonstrations against terrorism…………………..

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