Stop Peeing on My Building! – IOTW Report

Stop Peeing on My Building!

dont pee here

NBC Philadelphia: Police and the Mayor of a Delaware town plan on helping a business owner who says she’s fed up with numerous people peeing on her building.

Angela Dorey owns Dorey Insurance in Milford, Delaware. Since she opened her business, which is located next to a liquor store and bar, Dorey says her surveillance video has constantly captured men peeing outside the building.  more

18 Comments on Stop Peeing on My Building!

  1. I had a friend in Ca. that lived next door to a liquor store parking lot and on weekend nights the kids would drink beer and piss on his fence up until the time one managed to aim just right through the boards and hit the electric fence on his side he had to keep his pitbulls in his yard. I heard they had to take this kid to the ER but never heard any more about it. I’ll bet he learned his lesson, and so did the other kids because they no longer drank back there.

  2. But who’s going to pay for catheters for homeless guys? And how will the homeless guys know about it since they’re homeless? Right, another useless govt. program providing homeless guys with catheters, whoopee we’re all going to die. And who’s going to teach the bums how to use a catheter properly? We’ll just end up pissing more of the tax payers hard earned money away. I could be a millionaire progtard if I could corner the market on stupidity wasted on useless govt. programs.

  3. Thanks a million, Jethro! You couldn’t possibly have known just how much I needed to see those! I’m not being pissy </strike) sarcastic, by the way, I really mean it. This morning I had an out-patient urological surgical procedure and right now I'm lying in bed with a tube coming out of my dick and I was feeling sorry for myself until just a few minutes ago. Those poor guys! But better them then me!

  4. Back when I was 17 I woke up in a hospital with one of those things installed.
    I pulled it out.
    If anybody else considers repeating my action, one word.
    I peed on an electric fence at my great uncles dairy farm when I was 8.
    I place the two experiences as about equal.

  5. There is a product on the market that repels piss back onto the pisser. We are applying it on a building in downtown Sacramento. Expensive and requires reapplication. I don’t think it will work due to,the transient nature of the offenders, but others think they know best.

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