Oh Boy… – IOTW Report

21 Comments on Oh Boy…

  1. “It would be better to ELECT HILLARY than to deny Trump the nomination!”

    I cannot parse this statement. I thought I was literate but this makes no linguistic sense to me.

    Can I get a hand here?

  2. (“It would be better to ELECT HILLARY than to deny Trump the nomination!”

    I cannot parse this statement. I thought I was literate but this makes no linguistic sense to me.)

    Same here. It’s like people saying, “I’m going to vote for Trump anymore.” They don’t know how to parse the word ‘anymore’ in proper context.

    I guess they’re loosers. 😉

  3. #Never Hillary!

    Trump is a life-long Democrat. . .and I would take him a million times before I EVER wanted Hillary!

    People need to pull their head out of their ass and figure out what an absolute, complete disaster Hillary would make as a President.

    I want Cruz, but by goodness I will vote for anyone to keep the Hildebeast from gaining the Presidency!

    If that is Trump, fine. Hold him to his promise to build a wall and prosecute her – I am completely OK with that!

  4. Well, you know, Cruz only just switched parties so he could run in a year when the Democrats would have really bad candidates.

    (Just thought I’d write something I know (and everyone else knows) to be complete horse sh*t, just to see what it feels like.)

  5. anyone, I mean anyone that votes for Killary needs to have their head inserted up their ass & forced to assume that position for the rest of their natural-born days

    …. & tattooed on their asscheeks “Yes I voted for the Hildabeast”

  6. Here are the outcomes I see.

    Trump/Clintoon = The people decide who stays

    ?(currently unknown hero decided by the convention)¿ = Maybe the right begins to gel

    known goof selected by convention = Time to day drink 11/2/16 and forgetaboutit.

  7. BB; as you well know, I would chose Trump over Hillary.
    As this whole Trump debacle looks set to give the House to the Dems, I would hold my nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils.
    You do realize that Hillary is getting more votes than Trump is. don’t you? Trump is losing at the ballot box now, and his only response has been to threaten the newspapers that are publishing the information.

  8. @JohnS ~ if “Trump is losing at the ballot box…” then why are Cruz & Kasich behind?

    … I mean, if Trump is losing, as you claim, wouldn’t Cruz & Kasich be ahead?

  9. “You do realize that Hillary is getting more votes than Trump is. don’t you?”


    I have heard that canard, as well, but when I do the math, it ain’t so (but then I haven’t done every election/caucus).

    The few times I’ve done the math, it looks like the Ds are showing up about 40% to the Rs 60%.

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