PJM: Our 227-year experiment in self-government appears to be winding down. It may simply be too good a proposition to be true. It appears to be the case that eventually the people tire of vigilance and decide to trade freedom for the illusion of security.
The French political writer Frédéric Bastiat famously observed, as long ago as 1848, that the beginning of the end comes when the people figure out that they can vote themselves largesse from the treasury. That has happened.
It is often asserted that both parties use the federal budget as a means of buying votes. The observation is true enough, but the transaction can only take place when there are votes for sale. When citizens of the republic engage in serial petition of the government for “free stuff” and play “beggar thy neighbor” with their fellow citizens without consideration of the consequences for the society as a whole, then the society as a whole collapses. more
What a crock of shit. Another TDS piece.
He goes from the wisdom of Bastiat to this idiocy…
He says, “Donald Trump is the avatar of crony capitalism.”???
This writer has apparently never read Trump’s Art of the Deal. In it, and of course I realize Trump is self aggrandizing, we go through one week’s worth of deals he’s considering. He’s admitted he’s “donated” money to both sides but the guy is a capitalist-he’s looking at all kinds of deals all over the world. Sure the stretches the backs of some pols, THEY HAVE THE GD POWER to derail multi million investments. Most of his accommodations are more open space or assemble to mass transit.
Read the fucking and get back to me. Jerk.
I couldn’t finish it. If he’s going to try and compare the likes of Musk or Solyndra, both of whom wouldn’t even have companies were it not for there Federal government picking winners(or losers as long as they toe the AGW line) to Trump using legal means to salvage a business model, then double fuck him.
I’m past sick to death of this constant TDS. Please show the successes or even attempts that Ted Cruz has made to create wealth. Or for that matter just about anyone else in Congress or the WH. You want to talk crony capitalism, check out ValGal and her monumental public housing disasters in Chicago yet she made a fortune. Why doesn’t this jerkwad talk shit about her? There nothing like this in Trump’s history.
“Limited Government.”
Uh huh. Gotcha.
That means NOTHING to most people…and NOT because they want more free sh!t. It’s nebulous.
On the other hand…
…when Trump says he wants to “get rid of waste fraud and abuse,” people with a brain UNDERSTAND that THAT is how you actually achieve the goal of limiting government (to a large extent).
Yes, “limited government” is a cliche by now.
Ever ask yourself WHY?!?
Because people have become jaded – to the point of nihilism sometimes (look around at all the “I don’t trust ANY politician! I’m not voting! fools around you) – at politicians jammering on about it and either doing nothing or making it worse once in office.
I was thinking how quickly government spending has gotten out of hand, then I remembered something from a book:
“How did you go bankrupt?”
“Two ways, gradually and then suddenly”
-Ernest Hemingway, from The Sun also Rises.
I will point out, AGAIN, that on the day that Nancy Reagan died PJM employees were comparing Trump to Hitler and Trump supporters to Nazis.
Please do not give those vermin traffic.
TO Durka Durka
I’m still in wonder (about that site) that 4 years ago – and after only Iowa and New Hampshire! – Roger Simon was SHOUTING how Romney was
“the only one who could win” and
“anyone who criticized Romney for his statist tendencies (i.e. Romneycare) needed mental help.”
I love some of the writers there, but I can find most of their stuff elsewhere.
“They then promptly fell afoul of their own system when they encountered their first serious international crisis.”
Sorry Zarmi. We have a mis remembrance of “the good old days.” The federal gov was screwed up from the beginning. Power seekers all.
Remember the Whiskey Rebellion when George Washington mounted his horse to personally lead a Calvary to the west to put down the rebellion and get his taxes from the farmers.