Bongino: 4 Takeaways From Belgium Terror Attacks – IOTW Report

Bongino: 4 Takeaways From Belgium Terror Attacks

CR: 1. The Syrian refugee resettlement program within the United States should be halted immediately.

It’s abundantly clear, as evidenced by the attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, Mumbai, and Belgium, that as few as five to 10 terrorists can cause unspeakable death and destruction. Unquestionably, the most important function of the United States government is to protect U.S. citizens, and until the government can ensure that the broken process for vetting Syrian refugees and allowing them into the United States, is secure and effective at rejecting terrorists, the program should be stopped. In addition, terrorists have developed the capacity to create large numbers of spurious identification documents and passports. Therefore, even if we put a refugee through the “vetting” process and that person is cleared, there is no guarantee that the “cleared” person whose name appears on the identification documents is the person being admitted into the United States. – See more 

15 Comments on Bongino: 4 Takeaways From Belgium Terror Attacks

  1. It still seems that none of these “experts” have come to grips with the undeniable fact that the enemy is ISLAM ……. period! Erdogan (president of Turkey) said himself that there is no such thing as moderate or radical islam – islam is islam. So why don’t we believe the moslem leader telling us this about his own ideology and act accordingly?

  2. Not related, but there isn’t an IOTWREPORT article yet on tonight’s primaries.

    A few thoughts:

    1) Although I appreciated Fox News cutting away from Bernie’s speech, they really should have covered it anyway. The ads for Salonpas and Viking Cruises can wait.

    2) As Hillary Clinton gets closer to the nomination, Trump MUST make the following statement every day until the election:

    ‘I’m confident that I will in a yuge victory in November, and will immediately begin vigorous prosecutions of all instances of voter fraud. Anyone found to be tampering with the election will do serious time in jail. Believe me. This includes voter intimidation, false absentee ballots, keeping dead people on the voter registry, and every un-American tactic employed by these haters of freedom. I will prosecute the SHIT out of you.’

    3) I need another beer???????????. ??????????

    4) ?

    Boehnerdict Out…

  3. Airport terminals are going to have to be redesigned – the screening will have to take place before anyone enters any buildings. That’s our new reality. Thanks a lot rat bag satan worshipping muzzies.

  4. Anybody know where Obama’s favorite little clockmaker is? Obama needs him again.

    Although Obama will probably want a new cudgel to pound the “Anti-Islam Backlash” strawman. Some Trump-supporting klansmen ripping the hjjab off a teen muslima would be perfect for Barky right about now.

  5. “Airport terminals are going to have to be redesigned – the screening will have to take place before anyone enters any buildings. That’s our new reality. Thanks a lot rat bag satan worshipping muzzies.”

    How about before they enter the freaking country to settle down as refugees. Seems like a logical thought out plan of action unless that is, you’re a freaking moron that’s been indoctrinated for four or more years at American higher education facilities or 12 years at a public mind shaping institution.

  6. LBS,
    “Obozo said in Cuba that the attacks were political.”

    And there, inadvertently, accidentally, we FINALLY have the truth about Islam. Islam is NOT a religious system, Islam is a POLITICAL system. And it should be treated as such. And beaten back as such.

  7. 1. Properly vet the refugees…..

    2. Bar any military aged (say 18-50…and can be lowered/raised terrorist are seen) moslem man or woman from seeking refugees status……let them stay in their 3rd world shitholes and fight for change before next American soldier puts another boot on the ground.


    3. Any blood relative of a person that has committed a terrorist act would be deported.


  8. The Muslim population’s culture brings deficits that are genetic and permanent.

    A Danish psychologist Nicholai Sennels who spent his life working with criminals warned of damage centuries of inbreeding has had on Muslim immigrant population.

    Sweden has seen a great decline in national education results since Muslim influx began more than a decade ago and all countries are seeing high levels of criminality. It has more to do with customs in the old country.

    Read the findings that forced him to resign or be fired. It ain’t pretty or fixable:

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