CHICAGO: Six-year-old handcuffed for taking candy off teacher’s desk – IOTW Report

CHICAGO: Six-year-old handcuffed for taking candy off teacher’s desk

madisyn moore candythief

EAG: CHICAGO – A Chicago mother is threatening to sue her daughter’s school after she found the child handcuffed in a dark stairwell for allegedly stealing a piece of candy from her teacher’s desk.

“They hurted,” Fernwood Elementary School student Madisyn Moore said of the handcuffs. “He snatched me out of class. He made me get out in my handcuffs.”

escalated quickly

The 6-year-old told NBC Chicago she was effectively arrested and detained for about an hour after she took a piece of candy from her teacher’s desk. Moore’s mother, Marlena Wordlaw, said she was called to the school over the candy incident and found her daughter crying in the dark under the stairs. MORE

24 Comments on CHICAGO: Six-year-old handcuffed for taking candy off teacher’s desk

  1. I’m not sure about you guys, but I never had a teacher that HAD handcuffs at school to start with. On the other hand – it wont be the last time little Madisyn Moo’re gets handcuffed …

  2. In keeping with the filthy child-molesting collectivist agenda of the educationists, shouldn’t every kid in that class have been cuffed as a “participation prize”? I mean, what was the effect on the self-esteem of all the other kids when they say only one child singled out for special treatment?

  3. Tim,
    There are better ways to teach a six-y-o about not stealing than HANDCUFFS.
    Now, a 16-y-o, I could understand cuffs.

    (BTW, were the teachers cuffs fur-lined? hhmmmm. . . ..)

  4. Without being in the class when this happened (and was this a teacher or the on-site cop – I mean ‘school resources officer’?), there’s no way of knowing whether this was a teacher who shouldn’t be a teacher, or an repeat defiant offender? Not every problem is a nail, but when all you think you have is a hammer..

    Not that I’m saying that six year old children should be put in handcuffs, except in extreme circumstances, and that’s a judgement call every time. Jeff Goldstein and I went round and round a few years ago when it was a six year old who was completely out of control.

    What I can say, with very good probability, is the kid will be convinced teachers and cops are bad, and she’s the victim about to enjoy a boatload of victim-caliber attention. Great.
    How long until BLMs insert themselves?

  5. Straight out of the school of DINTDOONUFFIN!

    Handcuffs are a little extreme, but then again, I bet this kid could throw down the smack better than most 5x her age. Probably save us taxpayers a lot of money if you nip this one in the bud. Mama prolly taught her to steal malt likker 3 years ago, shoe’s looking to get PAID. I’m certain, since this is Chicagostan, Michael will fly in any day and stink the place up for holding this BLM accountable.

  6. seriously, handcuffing a six year old and putting her in a dark stairwell!! outrageous…i’d be yelling sue too and i’m as lily white as a polar bear in a snowstorm…what’s happening to us???

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