President Obama Kicks Up His Heels Dancing Tango in Argentina – IOTW Report

President Obama Kicks Up His Heels Dancing Tango in Argentina

obama dancing argentina

Watch Michelle kick up her hooves, too. 

11 Comments on President Obama Kicks Up His Heels Dancing Tango in Argentina

  1. The true Obama came through in that photo op he had in Cuba with the other slimy dirtbags posing with the picture of Che in the background. He posed for it on purpose to let the world know who and what he really is. The Sandars campaign has not been to win the White House but to begin the process of legitimizing Socialism/Marxism and to bring it out into the open with a cachet of acceptability. Barry is piggybacking on the now increasing acceptability for Socialism in this country (especially among the young) to openly and brazenly posture his true Marxist (Mau Mau) self, beliefs and activities! The cat is finally out of the bag and he is enormously happy for it!

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