Kasich Refuses To Be VP, But Open to Democrat Running Mate – IOTW Report

Kasich Refuses To Be VP, But Open to Democrat Running Mate

TammyBruce: What planet is this guy on? Kasich represents everything that’s wrong with the GOP. No wonder the Establishment loves him, and why this country is in the mess it is.

kasich jeb

Politicians like Kasich are bureaucrats, they’re managers of the monster of government, which is why applying the conservative ideal is anathema to them– they can’t downsize their master.

Via Washington Examiner.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich said he isn’t willing to serve as anyone’s vice president, but he indicated party affiliation would not matter to him when choosing his own running mate.  more

14 Comments on Kasich Refuses To Be VP, But Open to Democrat Running Mate

  1. This guys is a liberal rat. He is almost as bad as slippery Hillary; he will change into whatever it will take to get your vote. Next he will be telling us he is a black, Muslim, illegal, transgender.

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