Mom will fix it! – IOTW Report

Mom will fix it!

Chelsea Hits Obamacare’s ‘Crushing Costs’

chelsea clinton

Says mother may fix with executive order.

TWS: A video shows Chelsea Clinton blasting the “crushing costs” of President Barack Obama’s signature legislation. In the video, Chelsea Clinton tells a crowd that her mother, Hillary Clinton, is open to using executive action to reduce “crushing costs” of Obamacare.

“…cap on out of pocket expenses. This was part of my mom’s original plan back in ’93 and ’94, as well as premium costs. We can either do that directly or through tax credits.  MORE

15 Comments on Mom will fix it!

  1. Sadly, this Hubbel-Rodham hybrid wasn’t born sterile. The species Clintonius Graftus will continue to infect the political body of the US for another generation.

  2. Oh FFS. Her Royal Thighness intends, by royal decree, to impose government solutions to fix the problems caused by other imposed government solutions.

    Why do people think government bureaucracy is the solution to everything? Apart from the crony socialist corruption opportunities, the power to screw around with people’s lives, and invoicing others for your highly-expensed existence, I can’t think of a single reason.

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