Bill Clinton AWOL after trashing Obama – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton AWOL after trashing Obama

Where’s Bill Clinton?

hillary clinton shrugs

AmericanMirror: After the former president criticized Barack Obama’s “awful legacy” during a campaign appearance on Monday, he hasn’t campaigned publicly for Hillary since.

He was scheduled to be in Cheyenne, Wyoming yesterday, but the event was canceled and an impending snow storm was blamed.

There have been no local media reports of appearances on Hillary’s behalf, and his Twitter account has been largely silent, with the exception of an obligatory tweet about the Brussels terrorist attack.

bill clinton face

Has he finally become too much of a liability to his wife’s campaign?

13 Comments on Bill Clinton AWOL after trashing Obama

  1. BHO knows what is/was on the Clinton Crime familiy’s server. As soon as she gets a majority of the delegates, he will drop a house on her at the convention. Will it be Biden ?

  2. Gotcha covered, Beanie

    Bill and the boys flew down to the Virgins for a 36 hour layover and over and over and over … and over.
    Hey Bill, you are who you eat.

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