Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian – IOTW Report

Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian

Arabic inscriptions

AncientOrigins: The oldest known Arabic writing found in Saudi Arabia, from ca. 470 AD belong to a Christian context and predates the advent of Islam with 150 years.

In December 2015, researchers from a French-Saudi expedition studying rock inscriptions in southern Saudi Arabia published a 100-page-long report in France’s Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres that reported that the oldest Arabic text, carved on a large rectangular stone that was found in Saudi Arabia, is simply of a name, “Thawban (son of) Malik,” decorated with a Christian cross. The same cross systematically appears on the other similar stelae dating more or less to the same period.

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13 Comments on Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian

  1. Christianity and Judaism were present in Arabia long before islam was made up by mohammad to eradicate all Jews and Christians from the middle east, africa and europe.

    From the very beginning satan’s false prophet was the harbinger of genocide, murder, rape and pedophilia that continues to infect all society to this day.

  2. Everyone knows Allah created the earth in 700A.D..
    Allah created the heavens and the earth, then populated the earth with plants and animals around 700A.D. plus a few days.
    Then he created the goat.
    When Allah saw that the goat was lonely, he created the Muslim.
    The rest of the story is just a bunch of stuff about killing a lot of people to keep Allah happy.

  3. izlam is a reflection, a mirror image, an inversion of Christianity.

    Satan is God
    Evil is Good
    Peace is Death
    Submission is Victory

    It is a sick, Satanic, Moon cult devised to infuse evil into every aspect of existence. And it is succeeding because we no longer believe in evil. We no longer recognize it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Well, if you have an hour and 10 minutes to kill this fellow/history geek asks powerful questions regarding ‘did Mohammed actually exist?” Stay with it past the bending over backwards to make it clear he does not hate Islam and he is not actually saying Mohammed did not exist and its more than ok to think that Mohammed did exist its just there is no evidence that there was ever a Mohammed and if you have enough courage to actually look it is surprising as to how much evidence for Mohammid is completely lacking.

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