I don’t care. It’s funny as hell – IOTW Report

I don’t care. It’s funny as hell

cuba obama airforce one stowaways

CLAIM: As President Obama departed Cuba, dozens of prospective refugees clung to the wings of Air Force One. – Snopes

Snopes says it’s false.

Thanks for ruining it, Snopes. Gaaah!

21 Comments on I don’t care. It’s funny as hell

  1. Hey, without Snopes.com, I won’t know whether I should refuse to accept anyone’s business card ever again because it could be soaked in a dangerous drug which will completely erase my memory and make me believe I’m Joan Crawford. Or Eating a diet consisting of nothing but broccoli and tuna fish for four months will enlarge your breast. – Totally FALSE! (Don’t ask me how I know, but I do. Just trust me.)

  2. @ Diogenes…Broccoli and tuna fish didn’t work?… I might be willing to try the old fashioned method…Snopes says that method is a rumor, but either way, one or maybe both of us will feel better…

  3. Obviously not true.
    Barry said there’s almost no difference between communism and capitalism.
    Surely, there must be lots of people rushing over to Cuba for all the good life.

  4. Vietvet. Could be coincidence but I have never read an article critical of Obama that was verified as “true” by Snopes. They always seem to find some snag that, according to Snopes, renders the entire article “false.” I’ve seen this on numerous occasions.

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