american Fascists

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  1. I guess iteration is a good thing when it comes to detailing these REgressives. And Bill Whittle is probably at the top of my list of articulate, conservative wordsmiths, has been since the EjectEjectEject days.

    But(always the fucking but) I dare say we and especially frequenters of this site, are aware that it’s a fight to the death between freethinkers and REgressives.

    Maybe we can’t be reminded of that enough. However I’m looking for a solutions guy. I want someone to say more then our ideas win. I want physical solutions like build the dang wall, or halt moslim immigration, or bomb the shit out of them.

    Fuck the PC & fuck the inevitable REgressive blowback. If there’s a mob threatening violence then I want to call up the ghost of Richard Daly. You’ll stop this shit quick.

    No tap dancing, no beating around the bush and especially no 5 minute lawyer answers that have more wiggle room then a den of worms.

  2. When their arguments run out of gas, as they always do and it certainly doesn’t take very long, they resort to mob intimidation and violence.
    Now it has simply become their starting point!
    The planning and organization for Cleveland has already begun with their attacks on the Cleveland Police for wanting to purchase riot gear.

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