They don’t like how the sausage is made – IOTW Report

They don’t like how the sausage is made

Maine Food Rules Handcuff Amish Sausage Maker.

sausage maker

Reason: Sausages and laws are the two things people never want to see being made, the saying goes.

Renowned chef Matthew Secich loves to make sausages. But for Secich, whose Unity, Maine-based shop has been endangered by state food regulations, the problem isn’t in the making of laws, it’s in how they’re being enforced.

Secich, a restaurant veteran, recently moved to Maine. Not too long after arriving, he converted to the Amish faith and opened a small shop, Charcuterie. As the name suggests, Charcuterie sells handmade meats, along with cheeses. As his faith suggests, Secich produces those meats and cheeses using no electricity or other modern tools or methods that are typically shunned by the Amish.


14 Comments on They don’t like how the sausage is made

  1. And he washes his hands once a day in cold water. The Amish are filthy
    He should have converted to Judaism. They know how to make Kosher food.

  2. This is harassment.

    I propose a different litmus test: has anyone gotten sick from eating his food?

    If yes, then maybe he does need to rethink his operation.

    If no, then leave him the fuck alone. And leave the bakers who won’t do cakes for gay weddings alone too.

  3. “He should not be allowed …”

    By whom? If his customers don’t GAF, why should you?

    Amish made butter in their washing machines back in S. Maryland – the same ones they washed their clothes in!

    People still bought it – even knowing its provenance.

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