Oh, give me a break – IOTW Report

Oh, give me a break

How stupid does Michelle Obama think we are anyway?

michelle Vogue

PatriotRetort: Yesterday, Mooch prattled on about herself to a captive audience in Argentina. Her speech was supposedly about her initiative “Let Girls Learn,” but a quick pass through the transcript revealed that it really was another “Me, Me, Me: It’s all about Me” speech. Yeah. I checked. Michelle referred to herself 121 times in a 2,933-word speech.

She waxed nostalgic about her humble beginnings.

Because poor kids in Argentina have no idea how rough Michelle had it growing up in America.

But the pièce de résistance was this little nugget of information:

As I got older, I found that men would whistle at me or make comments about how I looked as I walked down the street as if my body were their property, – MORE

35 Comments on Oh, give me a break

  1. What does the moose have to say about all the little black girls shaking their asses in rap videos? Are they advertising their “property” to men?

    P.S. I’m sure the kind of man who would whistle at Michelle would also whistle at a….moose.

  2. When was the last time you whistled at your property? Hey lawn mower.. tweet tweet.. Beer.. tweet.. Car.. tweet.. Land.. squeek. Besides, who would want to own their very own Michelle Obama anyhow?

  3. So she doesn’t think women should be objectified as sex objects. Okay, even I can get with that.

    But then why is Beyonce, the queen slut of hip hop, her BFF?

  4. Moose is just another self absorbed, self important, self loathing liberal who lacks genuine experience, in personal achievement.

    it’s pitiful, pathetic, and tiresome

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