Woman convicted of working for decade as unlicensed attorney – IOTW Report

Woman convicted of working for decade as unlicensed attorney

HUNTINGDON, Pa. (AP) — A former president of a county bar association has been convicted of using forged documents to pose as an estate lawyer for a decade even though she didn’t have a law license.

Kimberly Kitchen was convicted Thursday on charges of forgery, unauthorized practice of law and felony records tampering in Huntingdon County.

Kitchen, 45, fooled BMZ Law, a Huntingdon firm, by forging a law license, bar exam results, an email showing she attended Duquesne University law school and a check for a state attorney registration fee, prosecutors said.  more

10 Comments on Woman convicted of working for decade as unlicensed attorney

  1. She was paid by people she lied to about qualifications. That’s tortious and so a purely civil matter. A felony records tampering criminal charge is like swatting mosquitoes with a sledge hammer, and is a gross over-reaction by lawyers desperate to maintain the very high barrier to the entry of competition for legal services. There’s no good reason why someone who knows estate law should be prevented from providing estate law services without learning all the rest of the crap needed to pass the bar exam.

  2. She musta been pretty good at what she did, she got away with it for 10 years. Maybe we should start checking out some of the people holding high offices who claim to be a lawyer. Wouldn’t that be a hoot to find out that they aren’t qualified either!

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