John Kerry Cringes at GOP’s Perception Overseas – IOTW Report

John Kerry Cringes at GOP’s Perception Overseas

Kerry doofus of state

DMF: Secretary of State John Kerry said on national television the Republican Party is an embarrassment to the United States because of the recent rhetoric that’s hailing from the GOP presidential campaign trail.  He mentioned specifically in an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that the talk among some Republicans about barring Muslim entry into the country, or policing Muslim-dominated neighborhoods in America, or waterboarding those captured by U.S. intelligence officials, are all proving “an embarrassment to our country. It’ upsets people’s sense of equilibrium about our steadiness, about our reliability.”  MORE

8 Comments on John Kerry Cringes at GOP’s Perception Overseas

  1. It’s Herman Munster (Fred Gwynne) in the pic.

    One of the funniest TV characters ever, imo

    Lurch was the Addams Family… ‘You rang?’

    Kerry embarrassed by us? Right back atcha in spades, Lurch.

  2. Kerry needs to look first at the Democrat Party; Obama, Hillary and Bernie are the real national embarrassment. Three losers. A Marxist, a Criminal, and another Socialist/Marxist. With no positive accomplishments.

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