Don’t worry, everyone, Bernie promises that ISIS is ‘retreating’ – IOTW Report

Don’t worry, everyone, Bernie promises that ISIS is ‘retreating’


They’re ‘on the defensive’ dontcha know.

CaintTV: Considering the genocide, the bombings, and the crucifixions, you might be inclined to think that the United States has employed a somewhat lackluster approach to dealing with ISIS. It seems that every other day we hear some new story of the ongoing atrocities perpetrated by the planet’s most horrific terrorist group. However, if it feels like their rampage is out of control, you should really just relax.

ISIS is losing.  They’re “retreating,” and they’re “on the defensive.”

That’s the word from elderly socialist coot (and would-be President) Bernie Sanders.  He’s had it with Republicans claiming that the President isn’t doing enough.  In fact, he’s almost as sick of hearing about that as he is of hearing about Hillary’s emails.

According to Sanders:


12 Comments on Don’t worry, everyone, Bernie promises that ISIS is ‘retreating’

  1. Guy at work had a macaw – he pronounced it “McGraw.”

    Prolly a BS supporter …

    Pretty sure we’re finally seeing Bernie’s “Brain Trust.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. see this is why I like Bernie over Hillary. He truly believes what he says is true. In his imaginary world he’s created for himself in his own mind, ISIS is really retreating.

    And college should be free.

    And socialism works.

    How nice it must be in his imaginary world. I’d like to live there too. Can’t we all just take a pill and live in Bernie Sander’s imaginary world?

    Agent Smith: Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan?
    Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.
    Agent Smith: Then we have a deal?
    Cypher: I don’t want to remember nothing. Nothing. You understand? And I want to be rich. You know, someone important, like an actor.
    Agent Smith: Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan.

  3. The real problem is that 0bama is doing too much. Moslem terrorists have never experienced such enormous efforts to help them, especially from somebody holding the highest office in America.
    Love that photoshop job MJA! 🙂

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