After Obama’s Visit, Castro Regime Steps Up Repression in Cuba – IOTW Report

After Obama’s Visit, Castro Regime Steps Up Repression in Cuba

PanAmPost: The week after after US President Barack Obama’s visit, things in Cuba have returned to normal. More than 150 activists were arrested on Saturday in demonstrations demanding the release of political prisoners.

cubans roughed up by gov

José Daniel Ferrer, who leads Cuba’s Unión Patriótica, an NGO, said most of the 138 protesters arrested belong to his organization, which is based in Santiago de Cuba.

It is in this particular city and the eastern part of the island where most protesters have been detained.

Additionally, they recorded several instances in which mobs tied to the government assault, insult, and humiliate dissidents.  MORE

7 Comments on After Obama’s Visit, Castro Regime Steps Up Repression in Cuba

  1. another round of obama’s apology tour complete

    i am beginning to believe that obama is into self-flagellation, and that this kowtowing across the globe gives him his needed sexual gratification

    in the meantime, the rest of us are fucked

  2. Obama gave them HOPE, Castro helped them CHANGE their minds. Another day, another load of phony baloney for the repressed masses, courtesy of O’eatcakeandshutup. What a despicable maggot.

  3. all is proceeding according to plan…….

    any of you eat more than one meal a day, get ready to have your food rations “redistributed” …..

    if you have empty bedrooms in your house, get ready to “share” them…….

    what, your closet is full of seldom or never worn clothes…..POOF!!!!……

    but most important……what, you actually HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK??????…..HOW DARE YOU??????……

    again, but more quietly……POOF!!!……

    welcome to the wonderful new socialist utopia, brought to you by….well…..pretty much by everybody except ted cruz……..

    but mostly by the united nations, piss be upon them……

    time to send them to bruxelles – they’ll feel way more comfortable there……just get them off UNITED STATES TERRITORY…..

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