U.S. gasoline prices hit 6 month high, keep rising – IOTW Report

U.S. gasoline prices hit 6 month high, keep rising

gas prices

UPI: The average price of gas is now hovering at a cost that is rather unattractive to drivers at $2.22 per gallon, according to AAA. The increase in gas prices is causing drivers — who have enjoyed, up until now a temporary reprieve at the pump — to think twice about traveling.

The average price of gas in the United States is now at $2.22, up 8 cents over last week, hitting a 6-month high. This, in stark contrast to February’s ultra-low gas prices of $1.68 per gallon — a level that had not been since the end of 2008.

Then, the price drop lasted only five months from December 2008 to May 2009 when it rose to $2.24 per gallon.  more

10 Comments on U.S. gasoline prices hit 6 month high, keep rising

  1. Sure happy obama went to saudi arabia, bowed, kissed the ring and negotiated the increase in fuel prices. He only has a few months left to further damage the US and its citizens.

    Once a traitor, always a traitor.

  2. Mary Jane Anklestraps. I just put gas in my car and had pretty much the same reaction as the graphic when I saw the prices had been creeping up for no reason. Well. We know what the reasons are. ?

  3. That half black piece of stinking dog crap had many subversive missions when he cheated his way into office and getting the price of gasoline into the range of $4-5 dollars per gallon was a prime one! He still has plenty of time left to do it!

  4. Oil prices won’t be going up much. $55 at the most, there is too much capacity now that the US has built up its infrastructure. In fact they are headed down now. Here’s the real question: Why did I just pay $3.29 with oil around $44 when a few years ago oil was well over $100 and I paid something under $5?

    “What are taxes, Alex.”

  5. Just bought 27 gallons at $1.859 because it is going up. Doesn’t hurt to keep a full tank either.

    Prices always drop just before an election and then go back up afterwards. They try to get the brain-dead to think that the current party in power are not such corrupt, greedy, assholes, so they will keep voting for them. After the votes are in: tough shit suckers.

  6. Silly folks… it’s the time of the year when the refineries change over from winter blends to summer blends of gasoline. These are EPA requirements to limit (supposed) emissions, but the changeover causes supply chain disruptions. A major reason why, is that we have not built a major refinery since 1976!!! It’s basically a price spike caused by government intervention and regulation in… you guessed it… the FREE MARKET.

    Look for prices to drop around the first of June, when all the refineries are changed-over.

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