Wheels fall off Motor City – IOTW Report

Wheels fall off Motor City

EAG – Detroit Federation of Teachers members ditched their students to protest about pay today, despite data that shows they’ve been ineffective at improving the district’s worst-in-the-nation student academic performance.

“There’s a basic agreement in America: When you put in a day’s work, you’ll receive a day’s pay,” DFT Interim President Ivy Bailey said in a statement announcing a teacher sick out today to protest the district’s chronic budget problems. “Unfortunately, by refusing to guarantee that we will be paid for our work, (Detroit Public Schools) is effectively locking our members out of the classrooms.”

Bailey’s brash comments beg the question: What are Detroit and Michigan taxpayers getting for their money?  more

11 Comments on Wheels fall off Motor City

  1. this is like any vehicle driven by the Dhimmoratz….the wheels fall off or it gets steered into brick walls to finalize total destruction..Detroit, the country, the economy, obozocare, IRS, Congress, Dingy Harry, Boehnhead, Hittlery, Barky, Moochie, Valjar, Clinton Cartel…they are guaranteed to FAIL…

  2. When they reward failure they get more of it. Dumb asses. First grade kids in Detroilet don’t stand a chance. Their 18 year old mothers and 30 year old grand mothers sure can’t help with homework. They’re too effin stupid.

  3. there is no hope. if this was a result of Conservative principals and ideals there would be non stop coverage about how Conservative thinking leads to total breakdown.

    As it is the press can barely be bothered to report on it and when they do there is a complete disconnect as to how it got to where it is.

    The republicans should hold their convention in the middle of Detroit so the press is forced to be there and each speaker should start their talk off with “what I learned walking through Detroit today”.

  4. Nobody is safe in the Windfart city of Detroilet…I would never go there again…its like asking to be robbed and murdered..what’s the attraction to that cesspool anyway? go look in a septic tank with the lid off..you can see it there.

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