Kasich cites faith in announcing departure from 2016 presidential race – IOTW Report

Kasich cites faith in announcing departure from 2016 presidential race

COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 4 (UPI) — Republican presidential candidate John Kasich on Wednesday became the last of his party’s contenders to drop out of the 2016 presidential race — locking in Donald Trump as November’s GOP nominee.

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Kasich canceled a speech in Virginia earlier Wednesday and returned to his home state of Ohio amid reports that he was bowing out. In Columbus Wednesday afternoon, he made his departure official.

“As I suspend my campaign today, I have renewed faith, deeper faith, that the Lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life,” he said. “I have always said that the Lord has a purpose for me, as he has for everyone.”  more

12 Comments on Kasich cites faith in announcing departure from 2016 presidential race

  1. Kasich also said we’re “hardwired” to help people, which is commendable. What he didn’t explain is why it’s fair to steal money from people to give to those he deems in need of help when the funds aren’t volunteered.

    It’s easy to do good with other people’s money but it’s still stealing if you tax it away from them to get it.

  2. Kasich referred to his lagging fundraising on Wednesday, thanking his staff and saying: “Nobody has ever done more with less in the history of politics.”

    That would be Donald Trump you insufferable bastard.

  3. “I have renewed faith, deeper faith …”

    A “faith” that allows him to tell lies about the policeman who pulled him over for a legitimate moving violation?

    “Faith” in what, pray tell?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What faith compels him to admit thousands of Moslem refugees to Ohio so they can vote illegally, form gangs to terrorize the near north side of Columbus and permanently drain the tax payers by refusing to learn English, get training and education and work?
    You are a big hearted fellow Johnny when it comes to using other people’s money. Thanks a lot for that Medicaid expansion.

  5. Why shouldn’t he quit. He did his job, he split votes, slowed down Cruz at crucial times and pretty well was Trump’s bum-boy. Now there’s talk (just talk, mind you) of his name being considered for VP. Make no mistake, Trump is not going to win the election (unless Hillary is taken away from a debate in cuffs) as he’s started too many blood feuds within the GOP so Kasich as the VP candidate is academic however now that the media has gotten the GOP candidate they want watch for Trump’s destruction to begin and anybody close to him (such as Kasich) will be a target as well. Anyway, the guy is just a SOB trying for the main chance.

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