DOJ warns NC to ditch bathroom law or possibly lose millions in federal funding – IOTW Report

DOJ warns NC to ditch bathroom law or possibly lose millions in federal funding

RALEIGH, N.C., May 4 (UPI) — The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday weighed in with a heavy hand on the controversial bathroom bill for transgender persons that was passed by the state of North Carolina earlier this year — and may threaten to pull millions of dollars in federal money if it doesn’t dump the law.


After concluding that the controversial measure violates federal anti-discrimination laws, the Justice Department notified North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory in a letter Wednesday that he has until Monday to abandon the law, the Charlotte Observer first reported Wednesday.  more

18 Comments on DOJ warns NC to ditch bathroom law or possibly lose millions in federal funding

  1. Good, Federal Money is Crack for mid level politicians
    Go through withdrawal and act like a State in a Republic
    Tell those Fed Bastards to shove it.
    Then put out a porta-potty with a sign: Perverts, and the Mentally Ill
    That should fix it.

  2. States’ rights will continue to be lost until the state’s stand up and fight back! Same goes for all American individual rights.

    The bully/dictator, Obama, uses his departments and illegal rule to squash everything he can and congress plays along. Obama has ARMED the IRS and EPA – WHY? Suppression. Trump is symptomatic of the fight back just getting started.

    If the government officials and their remoras are living in fear, they have only themselves to blame. The American people gave them plenty of chances to do what they were hired to do; fight the erosion of America.

  3. The saddest thing is that the meme doesn’t show that even a man dressed as a motorcycle gang member, or soldier, or male surfer, has the right to use whichever restroom they choose, as do women, of course. It isn’t how you DRESS it’s how you FEEL/IDENTIFY. Isn’t that just ducky?

  4. This is exactly why #NeverTrump needs to end. He may not be the best candidate but he is all we have. There is no doubt Hillary will advance and continue this insanity. I’m sick and tired of this Orwellian BS being forced down by an angry, hateful minority and the Federal government.

  5. We got a great system working here in America.

    The Federal Government takes our money by force, then uses it to coerce our state and local governments into doing the opposite of what the citizens want or need done.

    How were we so lucky to have the Founding Fathers set up such a wonderful arrangement for us?

    Oh, wait —


  6. Sam and all — Educate yourselves if you haven’t already. This was one of the driving factors of secession — States being pushed to the limit by the feds. Lincoln used his army to force what he wanted. You rarely see this in books. Read documents/archives on the internet.

  7. Then how does Title IX allow for separate male and female sports teams, female cheerleading squads, size differential selection criteria that plays a part on who plays on various sports teams, blind students not allowed to take Driver’s Ed and handicapped students not given total equal participation in and on all activities equally, etc, etc, etc.

  8. And yet they are happy to fund law breaking sanctuary cities and states that harbor criminals who came to this country illegally.
    Perfect example: San Francisco and the bastard who murdered Kate Steinle.

  9. Repeal the 17th Amendment–if the Senate consisted of two individuals selected by state legislatures to represent not the people but the interests of the state, the Senate could stand as a united body against this kind of Federal intrusion and tell the president to stuff it.

    “If they can do it to us, they will do it to you,” would be the rallying cry to get the senate to stand up for states’ rights.

  10. Since when are perverts a legal “minority?”

    Congress can change this in a day … if they had the balls.

    But … knowing Congress … Ryan and McConnell …

    a clinking clanking clattering collection of caliginous cowardice …

    izlamo delenda est …

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