Archbishop of Cologne Blasts Germany’s Anti-Islam Party: Church Spires “Same As Minarets” – IOTW Report

Archbishop of Cologne Blasts Germany’s Anti-Islam Party: Church Spires “Same As Minarets”

PamelaGeller: The Catholic Church continues to demand that Europe commit cultural and civilizational suicide.


That the Archbishop of Cologne would say this is even worse. He, of all people, show know better after the mass rapes and sex assaults by Muslim migrants on New Year’s Eve.

The Cardinal Archbishop of Cologne, Rainer Maria Woelki (pictured), has publicly criticized leaders of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party for their statements against Islam, insisting that “whoever says ‘yes’ to church towers must also say ‘yes’ to minarets.”


18 Comments on Archbishop of Cologne Blasts Germany’s Anti-Islam Party: Church Spires “Same As Minarets”

  1. The self destruction of the Catholic Church is on a full steam ahead course. 😡 What in the hell is wrong with these people? Are they totally blind to what pisslam is doing to the world?

  2. The Churches are human institutions.
    Not “houses of God”, but ‘houses’ in which to worship God.
    God is everywhere, not confined to boxes.

    Once in a while, houses need remodeling.
    Sometimes even demolition and rebuilding if they do not suit their purpose.

  3. Oh, the irony.

    The same Catholic church who blessed the Crusades and the Reconquista of Spain, now crawls through the Musselman’s feces to lick clean his filthy shoes.

    Oh, how I long once again for that glorious October day in 732….

  4. Stripped of the supernatural wrapper it needed to appeal to the iron age crowd Christianity is an unquestionably great and constructive philosophy. . . islime? not so much. . .

  5. The Church must need consider purging the marxists/sodomites from the hierarchy.

    To equate “Love thy neighbor” with “Kill the infidel” is far beyond ignorance. Far beyond stupidity. Far beyond simplistic equivocation.

    It is a repudiation of Christ.
    A rejection of God.
    The embracement of Satan.

    Maybe the Church needs to bring back the stake …

    izlamo delenda est …

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