Store Passes on Sweaty Boob and Sock Money – IOTW Report

Store Passes on Sweaty Boob and Sock Money

money sweaty boob and sock

A convenience store in Kentucky is no longer accepting sweaty money pulled from the shirts or shoes of customers.

14 Comments on Store Passes on Sweaty Boob and Sock Money

  1. Close your eyes and visualized THOSE sweaty, unwashed boobs and socks that belong to the social and economic demographic which stashes their money there. I really don’t blame the store owner.

  2. Drag a gold or silver coin thru a pool of sweat and across a hundred boobs and it would still be accepted. The problems we face with monopoly money.

  3. How about if someone rolls up their money, puts in a condom, and shoves it up his ass – or her twat? I mean, people still take drugs that have been stashed that way, right?

    What should we call that, using a “groin purse?”

  4. LOL!

    In 1977 I worked for.a company that was known to be in a rough neoghborhood. The company had a cash payroll, and each bi-weekly payday I’d walk into the ladies’ room to find everyone apoortioning her pat among the various body parts:

    “Forty to each boob, forty to each shoe,” etc. etc.

    Where I work now you have to show a photo I.D. to file a petition. The entire Petition Room staff is grossed out daily by “boob I.D. cards.”

    And Geoff, they are functioning at the sociocultural level of primitive society.

  5. I don’t understand … all the words are spelled correctly, so it can’t be from the ghetto … or at least, not from an urban ghetto … could be from some sub-urban ghetto, or a rural ghetto, I guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I work Construction in the Florida Keys….and I sweat like a Felon…and if I forget to put My wallet in a zip loc bag….the Money is wet….but I use a Debit Card for 90% of My transactions..Unless I’m at a less than favorable location….say a moslem store….then it’s Cash only.

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