Palin on being Trump’s VP nominee: ‘I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket’ – IOTW Report

Palin on being Trump’s VP nominee: ‘I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket’

Yahoo: Sarah Palin says she’d be open to being Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate but doesn’t want to hurt his chances the way many believe she did for John McCain in 2008.

palin cnn

“I want to help and not hurt” the former Alaska governor said on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “And I am such a realist that I realize there are a whole lot of people out there who would say, ‘Anybody but Palin.’ I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket, and I realize in many, many eyes, I would be that burden.”  more

12 Comments on Palin on being Trump’s VP nominee: ‘I wouldn’t want to be a burden on the ticket’

  1. Love her but she’s right-Newt is the best choice-it’d be a PowerHouse ticket.

    She came out and slammed Ryan-go to Nehlan’s site & kick in few bucks. Maybe my worthless rep, Conaway, might get the message.


  2. The media and establishment went after Palin as they’re now going after Trump. They never promoted all the smart, common sense positions that the majority Americans supported. They made things up and twisted half truths.

    The difference is Trump is not afraid to hit back harder which, of course, pisses off the establishment and media who don’t want their places at the taxpayer trough endangered.

    Even here on IOTW we get the articles promoting the left wing media spin on what they’re interpreting Trump to have said rather than the videos where we can hear for ourselves exactly what Trump said.

    Case in point – look at the “conservatives’ labelling Trump as “liberal”. What is conservative about violating a basic government constitutional requirement of securing the border? Didn’t we elect people who said they would stop illegals from entering? Hasn’t money been appropriated for 30+ years to do just that?

    What is conservative about doubling the debt beyond what we, our children and grandchildren can pay despite a House and Senate majority?

    What is conservative about 40 years of trade deficits?

    What is conservative about shipping jobs and the technology behind them that Americans paid for overseas? When China demands Boeing build factories there for them to sell planes they’re getting not just the planes and our good paying jobs. We’re also turning over for free decades of R&D, manufacturing know-how and high technology expertise that YOU AND I paid for in supporting the space program, university research grants and the earlier versions of the products Boeing made.

    What is conservative about firing American tech workers and replacing them with imported H1B tech workers the Americans are required to train?

    These “conservatives” are the ones pushing their agenda and look where it has gotten us.

    I don’t think “conservative” means what they’re telling us it means.

  3. She wasn’t the reason McCain lost.
    Republicans did not like McCain, so they stayed home.
    The guy only won primaries where Democrats were allowed to vote, and only showed strongly in the very liberal states.

  4. McStain was the burden on the ticket. Not you Sarah. Besides, you’re way more effective where you are right now anyway. Take that big-nosed SOB Ryan out…

  5. I voted for Palin with the sincere hope that the excitement of winning would give McAmnesty a lethal heart attack immediately. I had every intention of voting Libertarian before she was put on the ticket.

  6. She didn’t hurt McCain. She helped him. McCain’s campaign staff definitely hurt her. It was almost as if they were working for the Obama campaign what with the moronic ways they handled Sarah.

  7. How many yard signs in this country were cit in half so it was Palin/McCain?

    Besides, she’ll replace Rinse at RNC and clean out the place.

    Reformer has always been her first, best destiny.

  8. Gee, everyone is open to be Donald’s VP.

    palin assisting mcCain in his last senate election damaged her credibility beyond redemption for me.

    Who will be next? mcCONnel, kirk, collins, ryan, olympia snowe, murkowski or lidsey graham ????

  9. I remember that 2008 Republican convention. Palin’s speech was powerful, and cut the Community Organizer down at the knees. And that night, the media realized they had to shut this woman down or their false messiah would possibly lose.
    – And the day McCain flew back to Washington in a panic to “save the economy” was the day HE lost the election.

  10. Exactly, formwiz. I cut off McCain’s name from a campaign magnet and put the Palin half on my refrigerator. I was thinking only of Palin, not McShame when I voted.

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