Politically Incorrect Art Class – IOTW Report

Politically Incorrect Art Class

pc art class kids in the hall

Powerline: I never watched the Canadian comedy show “Kids in the Hall” when it was on, but always heard it had some good moments. And this sketch from over 20 years ago anticipates the current mood of political correctness, triggering, and all the other campus cliches pretty well (3 minutes long)

9 Comments on Politically Incorrect Art Class

  1. Wow. Word for word happening today.

    Like it was a playbook for the left to go by.

    All the way down to the angry black woman telling dipshit whitey next to her to stop co-opting her anger.

    This shit has to die before it kills the world.

  2. It really gives you a good idea how long ago these concepts were fomenting in colleges. The one constant in ‘long ago’ and ‘today’ isn’t the students…they came and left. It is the teachers.

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