Hillary boo’ed off stage in LA – IOTW Report

Hillary boo’ed off stage in LA

hillary boo'ed off stage at appearanceVIDEO at  PowderedWigSociety.

17 Comments on Hillary boo’ed off stage in LA

  1. Was that from her Cinco de Quatro debacle, or is it a more recent fail? Getting hard to keep track of all her coughing and failing.

    But P. J. O’Rourke just endorsed her, so everything should be coming up roses soon..

  2. Surprise, surprise surprise! Oddly enough, this is the first time I’ve read about that thing being booed off the stage. A testament I guess to current times.

  3. I don’t recall Obama being booed off stage. Ever. I’m beginning to think that if she asks Julio Castro to be her cabana boy VP, he’ll politely turn her down.

  4. The fashion police arrested her for wearing flat pointed shoes on her fat feet, AND, she should have been wearing black nylons with those black pants and black shoes.

    Nobody wears white cankles with black pants! Sheesh!

  5. I’m trying to guess the size of the crowd….. do you suppose it was one of Trump’s 20K plus-sized rallies ….or about fifty folk, plus her Secret Service, luggage carrying contingent….?

    Hard to tell, eh? …smile…

    ….Lady in Red

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