NJ judge orders naming of Bridgegate scandal co-conspirators – IOTW Report

NJ judge orders naming of Bridgegate scandal co-conspirators

Reuters: A federal judge in New Jersey on Tuesday ordered the release of a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the criminal case

GW toll bridge

against two former allies of Republican Governor Chris Christie in a 2013 scandal involving lane closures on the George Washington Bridge.

U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton in Newark ruled in favor of several media organizations that sought the list, saying the public interest in seeing names linked to “Bridgegate” outweighed the privacy interests of those named.  more

17 Comments on NJ judge orders naming of Bridgegate scandal co-conspirators

  1. I for one would like to know the whole story of “Bridgegate.” You see, one morning in September 2013 I had an appointment for a PET Scan at 9 am in midtown Manhattan. I live upstate NY and the Veteran’s Administration provided transportation. I was picked up at
    7.15am for the normal 1 hr 15 min. ride during rush hour. Everything was fine ’till we hit Fort Lee. The driver was an expert. He tried everything, side streets, reroutes, back allies, but no go. It was nearly impossible to get on the George Washington Bridge.
    I had been fasting since midnight and I was starved when we reached
    our destination at 11am, two hours late. And, due to scheduling, I could not be “scanned” until 12.30. I was pissed.
    Then when I found out that this delay could have been on purpose, because of some worthless political hacks bickering, I was outraged.

    Let’s find out what happened, for real.

  2. Tony R. It’s coming up now because the left want to drag Trump into it. He has this thing for Christie so they are going to beat the shit out of it. Nevertheless, it did happen, and it happened by design. And who ever is behind it, are scumbags. Not because of my own experience in it, but because it fucked up the lives of thousands of commuters, not to mention emergency vehicles and so forth. If some bitch in Christie’s office did it then I want to know. But it is not, as JohnS suggests, incompetence by the Public Works Department.

  3. Moetom,

    I think you may have identified the most plausible reason. You left NY on a highway and tried to avoid the traffic back-ups by utilizing local streets to the local access toll booth.

    The local access toll booth is grouped in the same plaza that handles traffic from US Rt 95/80 and NJ4, where drivers have inadequate number of toll booths plus are restricted from local access lanes. The local access toll booth also borders the largest development in Fort Lee, which broke ground a few weeks later after 40 years of postponements.

    The issue of allocation of toll booth has probably gone on for years. Inaction benefits NY so there are probably numerous reasons why it came to a head and 3 lane local access was restricted to 1 lane, most of them petty and/or some may be due to inability to resolve the allocation issue.

  4. Tony R —

    Because it was on Reuters and I’m not going to skip a story because I fear someone is going to shit their pants in anger.
    I you want to do some work at iotw, turn in a fucking application.

  5. Moetom,

    Sorry about that. I need a picture and hopefully this link works


    Your trip description had you traveling on a car-only highway that has 7 toll booths to access the GW Bridge. When traffic backs-up on the PIP, it’s due to GW Bridge/Cross Bridge traffic; so when your driver uses local roads, he’s jumping ahead of those that stayed on the PIP.

    There are only 9 toll booths for the 3 highways (Rt 80, 95, & 4), which also has to support most of the heavy truck traffic to NY and NE. This is insufficient and regular backs-up of 5 to 10 miles impacts intra-Jersey travel.

    As the picture in the link shows, it doesn’t take a grand conspiracy to see why cones were moved to provide 11 booths for the busiest access route to the bridge, especially since cones on the NY side of the Lincoln Tunnel are moved regularly.

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