Puppy Power!!! – IOTW Report

Puppy Power!!!

puppy fun

Can Puppies Fix Boredom? 

h/t Doc

4 Comments on Puppy Power!!!

  1. Pets are the greatest. I’ve had cats in my life since 1963. As I am typing this with my right hand, Sasha is sitting on my left, purring warmly in gratitude for a deep-tissue massage. When I woke up this morning, he and Yong were both in the bed. “It’s so NICE to wake up to pussycats!” And I meant it.

    I like that there are so many animal-lovers in this group. It confirms that I am part of a group of sane, loving people with admirable values.

    Kisses to all critters from Yonkers!

  2. I sent this to my son who is a veterinarian, and he just texted “If you don’t giggle while watching that, you’re a communist.” 🙂 Purina donates food to shelter animals with each viewing of this vid, so everyone take a look!

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