Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations – IOTW Report

Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations

AT: For the past fifteen or so years, there has been a movement among some liberals to require that the descendents of former slaves be paid for the suffering of their ancestors.


Conservatives have railed against this transfer of wealth, saying (rightly, one should add) that a person or entity cannot be held responsible for the actions of another person who has been dead for over 150 years.  Lloyd’s of London was sued in 2004 by a group of descendents of African slaves, and the British court system ruled against their claim.  There have been other claims made by the descendents of African slaves.  All of these have been laughed out of court.   more

23 Comments on Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations

  1. Interesting article. In the history of slavery in the US, what is never mentioned is slavery was legalized in this country by a lawsuit brought by a black man, Anthony Johnson in 1655, claiming the right to own another man as his slave for life.

    Even black Harvard professor and beer summit Obama pal Henry Louis (Skip) Gates says slave trade was almost wholly the result of black slave owners selling their human wares to Europeans.

    The Africans brought to the new world were also slaves in Africa. Tribal chiefs owned them through conquest or because of a debt the individual or family could not pay. They gladly sold and traded them for goods. The idea that Europeans chased after these people in the jungle and captured them is ludicrous. Imagine the armies that would have been needed.

    Also unremarked is that more freed blacks (28%) owned slaves than white Americans (1%) in the 1860 census. The biggest slave owners at that time were black – William Ellison in South Carolina and the Richards in Louisiana with over 50.

    Finally, they should explain why, when freed, the majority of former slaves remained in the South rather than flee to the North in the years before the Civil War.

  2. Truth is hate speech. We better hurry up on paying out. The black population in US doubles every decade.

    At 40 acres and a lexus each, we’re up to 1.5 BILLION acres. That’s equivalent to 14 Californias. If we act quick enough we might get them to settle for a portion of that, everything west of the continental divide.

    If we toss in the halfricans, that figure climbs to 1.8 billion acres. In essence, the halfricans should get double for having their blackness diluted. We should just call it a cool 2 billion acres. Oh, and the cars, don’t forget the cars, has to be Lexus.

  3. They have no right to anything other than citizenship (which they have). But I would very much consider paying for repatriation to the African Country of their choice! That would be more than fair! Give them back what they were deprived of!

  4. What about the reparations to me for my white ancestors who fought and died to free those black slaves? I’ll be expecting my check in the mail any day now. . . .

  5. We already paid them reparations and gave them land. An entire country in fact.
    It is called Liberia, and the former slaves created a political system that was a copy of ours.
    This VFW (very few whites) haven still exists, and I am pretty sure their constitution still allows for the emigration of descendants of black slaves.
    There exists there the kind of paradise that only exists under 100% black rule.
    I think creating “The great second chance” a drive to provide one way fare to Liberia along with $5000.00 cash and the loss of US citizenship is a reasonable way to compensate those who somehow missed out on the first round of reparations.
    The cost would be high, but it would bring about a thorough cleaning of the wound of slavery and healing would take place.

  6. DjDango – Liberia was founded 1847 to repatriate African slaves. It was a private movement supported by Lincoln and President James Monroe (its capital Monrovia was named for him) and promoted by black leader and abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison.

    Not only did the freed blacks – including Garrison – not want to return to Africa but the Africans living in Liberia didn’t want them finding them haughty and disrespectful. Many were killed in violent confrontations with the native tribes and many returned to the US where life was easier with abundant opportunity.

    There’s a lot of myth passing as history. Read the contemporaneous books and magazine articles in Google books to learn of events and facts revisionist history covers up.

  7. Speaking as one who has 3 CSA officers in my family tree these people can eat rocks and pound sand. Since when is anyone in this country punished for the crimes of their ancestors?

    Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see every Kennedy thrown in jail but tossed in jail for the crimes each individual committed and not for the crimes of Ted or Joe Senior.

    This kind of lunatic thinking becomes mainstream it will destroy the nation.

  8. Face it, blacks here would never in a zillion years go to Africa. Go to a place where there’s no whites? Are youall fucking crazy? Who da fauq be paying for shit?

    I’m afraid if you want to see less of them, you’ve got it backwards. You need to go to places where there aren’t any or very few. Places known for their inhospitality. Now I didn’t know it when I moved to Canon City in CO but it’s perfect example. Blacks I would talk to told me they made it a point to pass through in the daytime and definitely don’t get off Highway 50.

    It was very pleasant living there. Really no crime to speak of. No knockout game(try that on a cowboy) No flash mobs. No graffiti. You could walk the streets downtown in the wee hours without fear of assault.

  9. Too late, Pelopidas.

    Ignorance is the rule. We suffer neither facts nor truths. We only entertain foolishness masquerading as thought, maundering bullshit pretending to oratory, illiterate morons imitating statesmen.

    This is simply another intimation of our civilizational collapse.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. It requires a large measure of ignorance to believe in extorting money from working whites. No problem there considering how bad education has become, not to mention a large number of blacks raised by angry mothers and absent, no good “fathers.”

    What’s kind of sad if it weren’t so infuriating is that Odumbo had the ultimate “teachable moment” when elected president. Instead of trying to unite the country, he’s consistently tried to incite mobs and rioting, while watching with apparent glee. While they go to jail, he goes on vacation. Sick.

  11. “Why we should welcome a real trial about slave reparations.
    Conservatives have railed against this transfer of wealth,” saying (rightly, one should add) that a person or entity cannot be held responsible for the actions of another person who has been dead for over 150 years.

    Sorry no! as CZAR said a trail would play right into the left’s hand. Since when did common sense and facts mean anything to leftist? (esp in court?). If they did we wouldn’t have Obama care or “gay” marriage, and OJ Simpson would never have been convicted of armed robbery because he would have been serving lifer in prison for murdering Nicole.

  12. Crazy8er. All my ancestors died during the Irish famine. Where do I go to get a few bucks for all the grief it has caused me over the years. I’ve been moaning and crying about it since ever since I was about 12 years old. But nobody listens. Matter of fact, I’ve been told that I am a thundering bore. Many people have told me to shut to fuck up and get a job . Which I think us unfair.
    What should I do? I feel so abandoned

  13. Moetom,
    What should you do?
    Shut the fuck up and get a job. Who said life is fair?
    Then you might be more pleasant to be around other working stiffs, and not feel so abandoned.

    psst 😉

  14. Ok – say my ancestors in Maryland in the 17th century set aside the equivalent of, say $100, just for me 12 generations into the future. This was partly earned on the labor of slaves. (Not in any way condoning this). So, $100 for 350 years at 6% annually is. without adding anything annually, wait for it,..
    79 Billion dollars. (Run the numbers on any online financial calculator)

    We don’t “have” anything from them. I’ll bet ol’ Al Sharpton would say “Denn gimme dat amount”!

    This is another reason why retirement planning is so different – you live to 130 years old (say common in next 30 years) the money is all screwed up. The way we think about money is compressed to the span of one “normal” lifetime.

  15. We should absolutely pay reparations to the black people. And right after the check is cut then they can turn around and pay reparations to all the white people over the last couple of centuries that black people have murdered, raped, stolen and maimed/crippled. The number is likely much higher than the number of slaves brought to North America: http://www.inquisitr.com/1830533/black-history-less-than-10-percent-of-slaves-actually-came-to-north-america-transatlantic-slave-trade-where-did-they-all-go/

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